Dear Colleagues:

We have finalized the dates and topics for the next two COS quarterly meetings. 

October 30, 2019 (Wednesday) at the Cary Institute

"Integration of Hubbard Brook into the Region", co-led by Matt Vadeboncoeur and Steven Hamburg.


January 7-8 2020, (Tuesday-Wednesday) at the Cary Institute

Topic 1: "Valley-wide landscape ecology, modeling, and GIS", co-led by Natalie Cleavitt, Nick Rodenhouse, and Nina Lany.

Topic 2: "Exploration of causes for the 2013 nitrate spike in the stream record", co-led by John Campbell and Mark Green.


Our goal is to distribute a draft agenda one month before the meeting. 


Pam Templer and John Battles, SCC co-chairs

John J. Battles
UC Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 643-0684