Dear Members of the COS:

Thank you to everyone who has pitched in to make the launch of the new Hubbard Brook website a success.

Now that we have the structure of the new website established, Mary Martin and I need your help to populate the site with content.

There are three categories for dynamic content on the new site: News, Events, and Research Highlights. The most recent articles with these three tags show up on the home page of the website and all articles with these tags are aggregated either on the “News and Events” page from the main menu or the “Research Highlights” page under the “Research” tab in the main menu.

Here is a general guide for how we tag this content:
Events: Announcements about up-coming Hubbard Brook events.

News: Articles about Hubbard Brook research or researchers in the news, articles about past events, job announcements, articles that are time-sensitive.

Research Highlights: Articles that give overview descriptions of individual research projects at Hubbard Brook. These should be written for a general audience. If possible, these should also include images, contact information for the PI, and related links to papers, news coverage, etc. Once published, we can update these with new information as time goes by.

If you have questions or feedback about this organizational scheme, please let us know. 

For this to work, we need your content! Ideally we will have a Research Highlight published for each project that is active at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. If you are the PI of an active or recent project at Hubbard Brook, please send us: 
Please also send us your news! If your research is picked up by a news outlet, big or small, please send us a link so we can amplify on our website and social media. 

We will send out a monthly reminder via the listserv for new content.

Thank you,
Sarah Garlick
Mary Martin

Sarah Garlick
Director of Science Policy and Outreach
Hubbard Brook Research Foundation

603-986-0686 office/cell