[HubbardBrookCOS] Tomorrow - Creating an inclusive culture in science session

Maribeth Rubenstein rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org
Thu Mar 11 14:57:01 EST 2021

Dear Hubbard Brook Researchers,

Please go here
<https://pols.rice.edu/2021-ipols-education-meeting-black-ipols> for more
information about two free sessions focused on creating an inclusive
culture in science hosted by the Physics of Living Systems Network. A
registration link can also be found there.

Tomorrow's session features "three talks from leaders in academia and
industry highlighting best practices in improving research climate,
culture, and opportunities for Black scientists in interdisciplinary
scientific research."

Saturday's topic is:
Mentoring workshops for students including:
1. Becoming an Effective Mentor: Strategies, Skills, and Conversations
2. Networking Strategies for Building a Mentor Team Tailored to Your
Identities and Interests

Maribeth Rubenstein

Assistant to the Scientific Staff - LTER


rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org

845-677-7600 ext. 236

Hubbard Brook Ecosystem LTER Study <http://www.hubbardbrook.org/>, Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/hubbardbrooknh/>, @HubbardBrookNH

Baltimore Ecosystem LTER Study <http://baltimoreecosystemstudy.org>,
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/BESlter/>, Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/bes.lter/>, @BESlter

Tree Smart Trade <https://www.caryinstitute.org/science/tree-smart-trade> to
prevent the importation of forest pests, @treeSMARTtrade
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