[HubbardBrookCOS] October 16 COS meeting on Phosphorus

Ruth D Yanai rdyanai at syr.edu
Fri Sep 11 18:01:23 EDT 2020

Hubbard Brook Colleagues,

The October 16 COS meeting will be focused on P, with intent to identify questions for the renewal proposal.

Our plan is to have a series of very short presentations to set the stage for a series of small breakout groups that will wrestle in more detail with each of the topis, followed by a report back. Participants will be assigned to breakout groups according to their interests, with the folks listed below as leaders, if they are willing.

Let us know if you are willing to give us 5 minutes that would help us develop research questions. If you have an idea not on this list of possible topics and people, suggest it!  Please respond by Wednesday, Sept 16, so we can put together a draft program for circulation on Friday, Sept 18, 4 weeks before the meeting.

The first 5 questions are from the online book chapter on P.<https://hubbardbrook.org/chapter-10-phosphorus>

Introduction: P limitation in the MELNHE experiment --Ruth Yanai

  *   Does biologically enhanced weathering of P from primary minerals respond to changes in ecosystem P availability?  --Joel Blum and/or Shan Shan
  *   What proportion of particulate P deposition is new input vs local recycling of forest P?  --Gary Lovett
  *   How do changes in soil pH affect microbial mineralization of organic P and adsorption and fixation of P in secondary soil minerals?  --Charley Driscoll, lysimeter and stream P
  *   What is the nature of competition for P between ectomycorrhizae and arbuscular mycorrhizae?  --Rich Phillips
  *   What is the physiology of foliar P resorption and how is it coupled mechanistically to N resorption?  --Tim Fahey, Kara Phelps, Dan Hong
  *   What are patterns in stream output?  Concentrations are usually below detection, but not always.  Are these relevant, since most output is particulate?  --Jeff Merriam, John Campbell
  *   What is most interesting about stream ecosystems and P? --Emily and Emma
  *   What is most interesting about heterotrophs and P? -- Nina Lany, Matt Ayers, Lynn Christensen?
  *   Soil P fractions, and what happens under soil acidification --Melany Fisk
  *   What are the implications of changes in microbial communities, maybe with pH, for P mineralization?  --Groffman

We anticipate an hour of very brief presentations and discussions in the chat window, followed by breakout groups to discuss the topics raised and how they might be pursued in the next LTER. We will have random breakouts for a short lunch, to give us time to assign the topical breakout groups.  We probably also have to leave time for COS business.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Tim, Melany, and Ruth

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