Dear Hubbard Brookers,


Mary has just added a chapter to the online book entitled, Watershed Ecosystem Homework Exercises. These exercises are designed to introduce and reinforce the concept of the small watershed approach for an undergraduate student audience. The students will use the datasets on climate, hydrology, solution chemistry and vegetation to make calculations of watershed budgets. The exercises are pretty simple, using Excel. To access the online book go to the HBES website and click on “Research”.


We are planning to add some more advanced homework exercises to some of the individual chapters. For example, Mark Green is planning to add some hydrology exercises. I would encourage anyone with some time and inclination to feel free to develop homework problems or additional chapters for the online book. Mary Martin can handle formatting and loading new material. Also, everyone is welcome to provide edits and additions to the existing chapters by contacting the chapter editor identified on the opening page of each chapter.

