[HubbardBrook] Keynote Speaker Request from Vermont Institute of Natural Science (May 8th)

Brendan Leonardi bleonardi at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Thu Mar 21 14:37:55 EDT 2024

Good Afternoon Hubbard Brook Community,

The Vermont Institute of Natural Science is looking for someone from the
Hubbard Brook community to participate as a Keynote speaker for the final
day of their annual Science Symposium this May. Specifically they are
looking for a speaker for their Life and the Lithosphere/Life and the
Atmosphere themed day on the morning of Wednesday, May 8th

See below for more information on this speaking opportunity. If you or
anyone you know would be interested in participating, or have any
questions, please reach out to me and I am happy to provide you with more
information or connect you with the event organizer.




My name is Eleanor Hitchings. I am the Lead for School Programs at the
Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) in Quechee, VT and manage the
Science Symposium for VINS School Programs. The Science Symposium is an
opportunity for students in grades four through twelve to research a
problem in their community to investigate, design hands-on projects,
conduct research and then present their findings at our event. I work
closely with the teachers and students to help them prepare for this event
that happens each spring at the VINS Nature Center. This culminating event
brings various stakeholders from across the community to engage in an
exciting day of interactive science activities.

For our Science Symposium events this year, we have three themed days:

Tuesday, May 6, 2024: Equitable Climate Action Project

Wednesday, May 7, 2024: Life and the Hydrosphere

Thursday, May 8, 2024: Life and the Lithosphere/Life and the Atmosphere

I wanted to reach out to see if anyone from the Hubbard Brook community
would be interested in being our keynote speaker for our Life and the
Lithosphere/Life and the Atmosphere themed day on the morning of Wednesday,
May 8th. The Experimental Forest seems like a fascinating initiative and
something that would really capture the minds of the students who will be
at VINS on that day.

The keynote talk format that we are looking for is:

-A short (20-25 minute) presentation, perhaps using a PowerPoint / Google
Slides that could include:

-Why you chose this career

-What your work entails

-Stories of current / past projects, successes / discoveries

-How this affects our local communities / region

-What students can do to help

-You could also share some equipment that you use for your work

If you are able to participate as a keynote speaker, we would also love for
you to stick around for the remainder of the day. You would also be welcome
to run one of our Activity Stations to give students a chance to take a
closer look at your equipment or other materials and ask you questions.
Additionally, the students will be presenting their own research and action
projects and would no doubt feel empowered to have their keynote speaker
engaging with them, asking questions, and offering encouragement. We hope
to have a little over 100 students attending the Life in the
Atmosphere/Lithosphere Science Symposium on May 8th.  We also invite
families of the students that are attending the event as well.

If you are interested in being a part of the VINS Science Symposium on May
8, please let me know.

Brendan Leonardi
Young Voices of Science and Education Manager
Hubbard Brook Research Foundation

860-878-9034 office/cell
bleonardi at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
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