[HubbardBrook] Register for the Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium Now!

Barker-Plotkin, Audrey A. aabarker at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Sep 9 07:41:03 EDT 2022

Dear Harvard Forest and Hubbard Brook collaborators,

The annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium is coming up Wednesday, October 12, from 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. ET at the Fisher Museum, Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA.

Our theme this year is "A Tale of Two Research Forests: Hubbard Brook and Harvard Forest." We are excited to highlight and strengthen complementary work at the Harvard Forest and our LTER neighbor to the north. The day will feature talks by Harvard Forest and Hubbard Brook researchers, and a poster session.

Speakers and posters will be in-person, and you are welcome to zoom in to listen to the talks.
Seats are limited, so if you'd like to attend in-person, please RSVP by Tuesday, September 20. After that, we'll open it up to our larger community list and we expect to reach capacity quickly thereafter.
Limited overnight housing is available.

Coming in person? RSVP to come in-person here<https://harvardforest2.fas.harvard.edu/asp/hf/php/login.php?context=symposium> (by 9/20). You will need to log in first (creating an account takes about 1 minute).
Can't make it to Harvard Forest? Register for the Zoom Webinar here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__harvard.zoom.us_webinar_register_WN-5FVZhnNhh-5FTV6jrAL3Aitbug&d=DwMFAg&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=PpCmiwzCyIq1N8_enVvYcmilQZNslMcloj75lm9n67Y&m=dd490bm83MLctGDnw1LmPeffhpb6IrpvtycsPgMivcu8Th90CbwXKX46J4iSIiIM&s=HylU9Ie6ktgvlIu4j4VyegETTbCk0_HxOcTXTwuys24&e=>

Program coming soon! So far, speakers include
Jackie Matthes (HBR/HFR)
Peter Groffman (HBR)
Pam Templer (HBR/HFR)
John Campbell (HBR)
Audrey Barker Plotkin (HFR)
Sarah Garlick (HBR)
Clarisse Hart (HFR)
Andy Reinmann (HBR)
Emma Conrad-Rooney (HBR)
And special guest Jerry Franklin (AND)

All the best,
Audrey Barker Plotkin
Jonathan Thompson, HFR LTER PI

Audrey Barker Plotkin (she/hers)
Senior Researcher and Site Manager
Director, Summer Research Program in Ecology
Harvard Forest, Harvard University
324 N. Main St., Petersham, MA 01366

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