[HubbardBrook] 2022 Hubbard Brook Cooperators Meeting Schedule and Information

Lynn Christenson lychristenson at vassar.edu
Tue Jun 28 16:44:18 EDT 2022

Dear Hubbard Brook community,

 We are excited to be back in person this year for the Annual Cooperators’
Meeting and look forward to seeing many of you July 13-14!  As we gather
together in-person after two years of meeting remotely, pandemic
complications have contributed to some large  changes from past years, so
please read on for more details.

First - *the biggest change: the Cooperators’ Meeting will be held at
Plymouth State University (PSU) at the **Merrill Place Conference Center*
<https://www.plymouth.edu/events/>. Parking is across the street in Hyde
Parking Lot #304. Masks must be worn at all times while inside the center
regardless of vaccination/booster status. The exception is when
eating/drinking. Both breakfast and lunch will be provided during the
meetings and are included with your registration. Be  sure to  pay your
registration fee before you arrive, as your name tag will serve as your
'meal ticket' to streamline food service.

Dormitory style lodging is available at PSU: Plymouth State University
eStore. Hubbard Brook On Campus Accommodations (nbsstore.net)
 PSU Lodging reservations will close Thursday, June 30th.

Next - the *talk lineup* looks great! Thank you to everyone who signed up
to give talks - everyone has been accommodated (see attached draft
schedule). A big thank-you to Jackie Matthes for organizing the schedule.  As
you prepare your talk, please keep in mind that your allotted time includes
your introduction, the talk itself, and short questions; so plan
accordingly. Additional time for discussion is reserved at the end of each
set of talks. Speakers should plan to upload talks to a shared laptop well
in advance of their session.

Please note that on the afternoon of the second day (Thurs. July 14th)
there will be no committee meetings. Instead, a number of *informal* *field
trips will run to Hubbard Brook* to get us out in the woods together. Peter
Groffman has wrangled field trip leaders/locations and a sign-up sheet can
be found here: Hubbard Brook field trips - July 14, 2022.xlsx - Google
Please sign up by July 8 to help trip leaders plan.

*The cookout and 'barn' (now tent) dance are back!* Wed. evening (July 13),
but will be held at Pleasant View Farm rather than at the Forest Service.
The informal cookout starts at 6:00 and will include burgers (veggie
included), side salads, drinks and ice cream bars. Please note that this is
an infomal cookout and not a catered meal as we have had in the past. Many
thanks to our local High School Interact Club, who will be flipping burgers
and to Hazel Westney and Tammy Wooster for organizing and setting up the
food. We need all to help out, and will have a sign-up sheet for assistants
at the meeting. Another change: *No alcohol is permitted* during the event.
The SCC seeks to promote alcohol-free socializing for all at these events,
so please respect this change. And great news! The Caravan Band is back for
the dance from 7:00 to 10:00, so some of our traditions are unchanged.

Finally, we are still investigating streaming options (Viewing Only) for
the meeting. We will follow up with  any additional updates July 6th, so
stay tuned!

All the best,

Christy Goodale and Lynn Christenson

Co-Chairs, Hubbard Brook Scientific Coordinating Committee (SCC)

Lynn Christenson, PhD
Associate Professor
Biology Department
Vassar College 845-437-7418
lychristenson at vassar.edu
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