[HubbardBrook] We want you

Maribeth Rubenstein rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org
Fri Apr 23 12:29:28 EDT 2021

for the *2021 Hubbard Brook Community Showcase!*

Dear Hubbard Brook Community,

Perhaps you have heard about this year's Community Showcase but if you
haven't...allow me to explain.

In conjunction with this year's Cooperators' Meeting events, Anthea
Lavallee (the originator) and Maribeth Rubenstein (the co-conspirator) will
be hosting a Community Showcase aka a talent show! This first-time-ever
event promises to be lots of fun and an opportunity for us to know each
other outside of our traditional project roles. After Day 1 of our
Cooperators' research presentations, we will allow time for meeting
attendees to stretch their legs, grab a drink and a snack, and log back
into Zoom for a fascinating peek at the hidden (and possibly obscure)
talents of the Hubbard Brook community.

We've already booked acts of MUSIC, a DARING FEAT OF PHYSICAL AND MENTAL

What will you share with us?
Spoken word?
Knitting/painting/sculpting demo with joke-telling?
A skit?
A dance?
Fire breathing?
Perhaps a 'Rube Goldberg' that you have painstakingly assembled?
Music? You can never have too much music!

Your talent can be live or recorded. Up to five minutes in length
(negotiable). One Zoom rehearsal date (TBD) will be organized.

Ready to join? Just reply to this message or email
alavallee at hubbardbrookfoundation.org and/or rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org
and let us know by June 1st!

Maribeth Rubenstein

Assistant to the Scientific Staff - LTER


rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org

845-677-7600 ext. 236

Hubbard Brook Ecosystem LTER Study <http://www.hubbardbrook.org/>, Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/hubbardbrooknh/>, @HubbardBrookNH

Baltimore Ecosystem LTER Study <http://baltimoreecosystemstudy.org>,
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/BESlter/>, Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/bes.lter/>, @BESlter

Tree Smart Trade <https://www.caryinstitute.org/science/tree-smart-trade> to
prevent the importation of forest pests, @treeSMARTtrade
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