[HubbardBrook] Upcoming Opportunities

Clara Chaisson cchaisson at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Tue Nov 10 10:27:57 EST 2020

Hi Hubbard Brook community,

I wanted to share a couple of upcoming opportunities that might be of

   - The first is a bystander intervention workshop *this Friday, 11/13,
   from 3-6pm ET*. From Marty Downs, "The LTER Network Office has engaged
   ADVANCE Geo to offer a workshop on bystander intervention. The training,
   which has been presented at several scientific societies to very positive
   reviews, will give participants the tools and confidence to recognize and
   interrupt instances of bias and harassment. Unlike many university and
   corporate trainings, the workshop facilitators are colleagues in Earth and
   environmental science and their approaches are useful even in remote field
   sites and in situations where the observer has no formal authority."
   Registration is limited, so please sign up ASAP if you'd like to attend:

   - The second is this year's UNH Sidore Lecture Series, which is being
   held virtually and focusing on Indigenous sustainability. The first
   lecture, "Contemporary Indigenous Peoples of New Hampshire: Honoring Mother
   Earth through Sustainability," is on *Monday, November 23, from 4-5:30
   pm ET*. The event is open to all:


Clara Chaisson (she/her)
Outreach and Communications Manager
Hubbard Brook Research Foundation

cchaisson at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
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