[HubbardBrook] Introducing Clara Chaisson

Sarah Garlick sgarlick at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Wed Dec 13 14:45:08 EST 2017

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to introduce you all to Clara Chaisson, our new full-time
Outreach and Communications Manager at the Hubbard Brook Research
Foundation. Clara will be working with our team to lead new efforts to
communicate Hubbard Brook research to public audiences and to develop
opportunities for engagement between Hubbard Brook scientists and
stakeholders across the region.

This work will involve writing press releases, online content for the
Hubbard Brook website, and synthesis materials about Hubbard Brook research
and related science. We look forward to collaborating with many of you on
developing new content and communication platforms.

As an undergraduate, Clara studied botany at Connecticut College and
conducted field research on salt marsh plants and bird populations. In
2014, Clara received her MS in science journalism from Boston University.
She most recently worked as an Associate Editor for onEarth Magazine from
the NRDC.

Clara will be based at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest most weeks
from Monday through Wednesday, so please stop by and say hi if you are
visiting Pierce Lab.

I look forward to introducing her to many of you in person at the upcoming
COS meeting!

Best wishes and happy holidays,

Sarah Garlick
Director of Science Policy and Outreach
Hubbard Brook Research Foundation

603-986-0686 office/cell
sgarlick at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
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