Heliosphere News – October 24, 2023




A newsletter devoted to Heliospheric Science.


Editor: Nathan Schwadron (nschwadron at unh dot edu)

Co-Editor: Maher A. Dayeh (maldayeh at swri dot edu)

Co-Editor: Eric Zirnstein (ejz at princeton.edu)

Co-Editor: Matina Gkioulidou (matina.gkioulidou at jhuapl.edu)

Co-Editor: Jamie Rankin (jsrankin at princeton.edu)

Coordinator: Liz Wilber (Elizabeth.Wilber at unh.edu) Web site editor: Ken Fairchild (Ken.Fairchild at unh.edu)


If you are interested in being added to the list, being removed from the list, or posting an announcement, please send information to Nathan, Maher, Eric, Matina, or Jamie. Posts are limited to ascii text.


Newsletters are archived on the following website:




******************* Announcements *******************


1. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Space Research at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas


2. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Position in the Heliophysics Research Group, University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS), Space Science Center


3. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Inner Heliospheric Physics at the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, USA


4. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Solar Physics and Astro-informatics at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA


5. MEETING: SAVE THE DATE!! 21st Annual International Astrophysics Conference, March 25-29, 2024, Turin, Italy


6. MEETING: Mini-conference 11.06 Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas at the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS DPP, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2023 in Denver, Colorado


7. MEETING: New Horizons Open Science Team Meeting #54 26-27 Oct (Hybrid)


8. ANNOUNCEMENT: Like, Follow and Share IMAP on social media!


9. ANNOUNCEMENT: Fall SHIELD Webinar Series


10. ANNOUNCEMENT: Open House: UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program




1. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Space Research at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas


The Department of Space Research at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, Texas is seeking applications for a postdoctoral scientist position to participate in and carry out original research in experimental space physics and supporting laboratory experiments. SwRI is involved in the development of current missions such as the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), TRACERS, PUNCH, Europa Clipper, JUICE, and CuSP. SwRI also leads or contributes to currently operating missions such as Juno, MMS, PSP, New Horizons, and IBEX.


The successful candidate is expected to support the development, testing, and calibration of energetic neutral atom and plasma instruments to be flown on upcoming heliophysics or planetary missions. The candidate is expected to publish original research and results in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and present results at scientific meetings, workshops, and conferences. The research will involve interactions with Institute Staff engaged in a broad range of experimental, observational, and computational research.


The candidate should have a PhD degree in space physics, experimental physics, or directly related physics degree with a GPA of 3.0 or greater. The candidate should have work experience in related experimental physics. The candidate should have demonstrated the ability to program and utilize software tools such as Simion and Lua, LabView, TRIM, Geant4, IDL, C, Python, or MATLAB.


Interested candidates should apply online at https://resapp.swri.org/ResApp/Job_Details.aspx?JOB_CD=15-01533&JOB_TITLE=POSTDOCTORAL%20RESEARCHER%20-%20SPACECRAFT%20INSTRUMENTATION




2. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Position in the Heliophysics Research Group, University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS), Space Science Center


The Heliophysics research group in the Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) is seeking an exceptional candidate to fill a Postdoctoral position under the general supervision of Prof. Nathan Schwadron. Working on NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Mission, and in collaboration with associated project personnel, the PostDoc will develop new data products for IBEX, study the effects of global heliosphere on the inflow of interstellar neutral atoms and study the changing radiation environment of the globalheliosphere.


The University of New Hampshire is a major research institution, providing comprehensive, high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs (https://www.unh.edu/). UNH is located in Durham on a 188-acre campus, 60 miles north of Boston and 8 miles from the Atlantic coast, and is convenient to New Hampshire's lakes and mountains. The Department of Physics confers both undergraduate (B.A., B.S.) and graduate (M.S., Ph.D.) degrees and currently includes 26 faculty members. EOS is the largest research institute at UNH, with more than 275 faculty, staff and students.




3. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Inner Heliospheric Physics at the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, USA


The JHU/APL Space and Solar Physics Group (SRP) is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to conduct basic scientific research in the field of Solar and Space Physics with an emphasis on inner-heliospheric physics and the analysis of particle data from the ISOIS/EPI-Lo instrument of the Parker Solar Probe mission. The successful candidate will work in an exciting environment, interfacing with experts in comprehensive data analysis and instrument development for a multitude of Solar and Space Physics missions as well as state-of-the-art modeling of geospace and other space environment systems. The SRP group has a broad and active basic research program that includes data analysis, theory and modeling studies of Earth's magnetosphere and Sun-Earth connections, planetary magnetospheres throughout the solar system, and heliospheric and solar physics. It also has a significant and long-running history of developing space instrumentation hardware and mission concepts. Current science and instrument participation in active missions includes ACE, Geotail, Juno, MMS, New Horizons, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, STEREO, and Voyager. Future missions in development include Europa Clipper, EZIE, JUICE, and IMAP. In addition, the Group is playing the leading role in the multi-institutional, cross-disciplinary Center for Geospace Storms, and partners with Our Heliospheric Shield (SHIELD), two of the three NASA DRIVE Science Centers recently selected for Phase II.


The research position focuses on inner-heliospheric physics and the analysis of suprathermal and energetic data from the ISOIS/EPI-Lo instrument of the Parker Solar Probe Mission. The successful candidate would be expected to publish original research in peer-reviewed journals and team with SRP and other APL Space Exploration Sector staff to pursue external support for continued research and instrument development work. Duties will include: conducting original inner-heliospheric research and analysis of the ISOIS/EPI-Lo particle data; authoring papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals; preparing for and participating in scientific conferences; and developing innovative scientific research and instrument development efforts and proposing to competed solicitations. The required qualifications include the following: a PhD in Physics, Electrical Engineering or in a related technical field, or the demonstrated equivalent experience, an in-depth knowledge of space plasma physics, experience in analysis and scientific interpretation of space physics data, proficiency with advanced technical computing using languages such as Python, IDL, Matlab, or another comparable programming language, and a record of published first author scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. Although not required, it is desirable that a candidate has demonstrated understanding of the workings of space particle instruments, and the ability to analyze their performances with computer algorithms and other tools or previous experience with spaceflight hardware and/or space mission projects.


Please contact Matt Hill for additional information about the exciting science or other aspects of this position (matt.hill at jhuapl.edu). The complete job posting, including more information about why APL is a great place to work, Equal Opportunity Employment information, and a link for submitting an online application can be found at https://careers.jhuapl.edu/jobs/51892.




4. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Solar Physics and Astro-informatics at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA


The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University (GSU) is seeking to fill a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level to begin Fall 2024.


We are looking for a solar physicist with significant expertise in the MHD of the solar corona and flares and/or in Big Data and Machine Learning, along with a desire to enhance GSU's solar physics and big data curriculum. GSU tenure-track faculty divide their efforts between research (40%), teaching (40%, including student mentoring), and service (20%, institutional and professional). The new hire will join our Astro-informatics Cluster, a close collaboration between the solar/stellar physics groups in the department of Physics and Astronomy, and the Computer Science department at GSU. We work closely with the remote sensing for space sciences group and the global muon detector initiative in our department. 


Our ideal candidate will have a strong background in solar and stellar physics and demonstrated expertise in relevant fields in AI and Data Science.


Applications should include 1) a CV, including a detailed publication list, 2) a statement of the candidate’s research interests describing how the proposed research will be synergistic with and complement existing research of the cluster, 3) a statement of teaching experience and philosophy, 4) a statement of how the candidate’s professional and academic experiences have prepared them to support and apply GSU’s mission and core values (https://strategic.gsu.edu/), and 5) contact information for at least three references. All materials should be sent via email to AstroSearch@astro.gsu.edu.

More information regarding the position is available at the AAS Job Register post: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/8f247639.

Applications received by November 15, 2023, will receive full consideration.




5. MEETING: SAVE THE DATE!! 21st Annual International Astrophysics Conference, March 25-29, 2024, Turin, Italy


FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce that the 21st Annual International Astrophysics Conference will be held for the first time internationally in Turin, Italy at the AC Hotel Torino, from March 25-29, 2024 (Welcome Reception and Evening Registration begins Sunday, March 24). The theme for the 21st AIAC is “Bracketing the Solar Wind: The Physics of its Initiation and Termination.” We will select 25-minute presentations punctuated by selected 40-minute invited talks that will enhance both the theme and scope of the meeting. Please save the date! More information will be available soon. E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to Gary Zank at garyp.zank@gmail.com.




6. MEETING: Mini-conference 11.06 Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas at the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS DPP, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2023 in Denver, Colorado


Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas


Conveners: Nikolai Pogorelov (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Derek Schaeffer (University of California, Los Angeles), and Lynn Wilson III (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)


Collisionless shocks (CSs) are one of the most fundamental, strongly nonlinear phenomena in plasmas. They are ubiquitous in many space physics, astrophysics, and laboratory settings. CS waves are important mechanisms for converting the dynamic pressure of a supersonic flow into thermal energy and affect the distributions of particles and fields across the universe. Shocks are also frequently associated with plasma oscillations and radio emissions.


We call for papers addressing the wealth of in situ measurements of collisionless and weakly collisional shocks in nature and laboratory. This mini-conference will also address the physical mechanisms that govern the behavior of charged particles crossing such shocks. The abstracts should be submitted to the sorting category 11.06 athttps://engage.aps.org/dpp/meetings/annual-meeting/abstract-submission.




7. MEETING: New Horizons Open Science Team Meeting #54 26-27 Oct (Hybrid)


New Horizons is holding its 54th Science Team Meeting and continues its tradition of welcoming open participation from the science community.  There is no registration fee, however, pre-registration is required for all registered participants.


Meeting will be both in-person hosted at Boston University and on zoom.  Community members are welcome to join for either mode of participation.


For all participation, please register for the meeting as soon as possible: New Horizons Science Team Meeting 54 - Registration.


Meeting Location: Boston University, 43 Hawes St., Brookline, MA


Meeting Website and Agenda: https://pluto.jhuapl.edu/News-Center/Events/STM54/


New Horizons is currently in its 18th year of exploration as the only spacecraft in the outer solar system and outer heliosphere. The mission continues to uncover the unexplored world of the distant Kuiper Belt, make unique measurements of the solar wind, Pick-Up Ions, interplanetary shocks, dust, and remote observations for possible signatures of the hydrogen wall, interstellar clouds, and an unexpected excess of cosmic background. Careful management of on board power enables about 25 more years of operations, not only through the outer regions of the unknown Kuiper Belt, but also well into the heliosheath and possibly through the heliopause.




8. ANNOUNCEMENT: Like, Follow and Share IMAP on social media!


The IMAP Team invites you to follow the IMAP Story on social media.  Tell your family, friends and neighbors!






Help us grow our audience: Like, Follow and Share!




9. ANNOUNCEMENT: Fall SHIELD Webinar Series


The SHIELD Webinar series speakers for the Fall will be three of the leaders in the heliophysics community, Sarah Gibson, Cherilynn Morrow, and Lika Guhathakurta. All SHIELD webinars are on Friday’s at 2 pm ET

More details can be found here: https://shielddrivecenter.com/shield-webinars/


Upcoming Fall Webinars:


Nov. 17th: Lika Guhathakurta: “We are all Living Stars”

Registration Link: 





10. ANNOUNCEMENT: Open House: UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program


We invite you to attend our hybrid Open House for the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Graduate Program in Space Physics. Come learn about exciting graduate research opportunities in Space Physics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics. 


The event will be held on Friday, October 27th 2023 at SwRI in San Antonio, Texas. The virtual schedule will be from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm CDT with a live interactive lunch session. In-person will be from 11:00 am - 4:45 pm with an after-hours event. Registration is located at https://forms.gle/tC2rXGWPdKi35sNe9


The Fall 2024 PhD application deadline is Jan 1, 2024. 


For more information, please visit the links below.

UTSA-SwRI Joint Program grad.space.swri.edu

UTSA Physics Department https://www.utsa.edu/physics/


Please contact Rob Ebert (robert.ebert@swri.org) or Angela Rihn (angela.rihn@swri.og) if you have any questions.




