Heliosphere News – August 24, 2021
A newsletter devoted to Heliospheric Science.
Editor: Nathan Schwadron (nschwadron at unh.edu)
Co-Editor: Mihir Desai (mdesai at swri.edu)
Co-Editor: Eric Zirnstein (ejz at princeton.edu)
Co-Editor: Matina Gkioulidou (matina.gkioulidou at jhuapl.edu)
Co-Editor: Jamie Rankin (jsrankin at princeton.edu)
Coordinator: Liz Wilber (Elizabeth.Wilber at unh.edu) Web site editor: Ken Fairchild (Ken.Fairchild at unh.edu)
If you are interested in being added to the list, being removed from the list, or posting an announcement, please send information to Nathan, Mihir, Eric, Matina, or Jamie. Posts are limited to ascii text.
Newsletters are archived on the following website:
******************* Announcements *******************
1. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Research Scientist and Postdoctoral positions in Space Physics Instrumentation and Data Analysis at Los Alamos National Laboratory
2. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Space Research at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas
3. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey White Paper Organization
4. ANNOUNCEMENT: Call for Papers: Frontiers Research Topic "Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events: From Flares to Jets"
5. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey White Paper Organization: Machine Learning & Data Science
6. MEETING: AGU Fall Meeting (In-person and Online) - 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA
7. MEETING: Mini-conference at the 63rd APS DPP Meeting: "Collisionless Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas (Sorting Number 11.02)" - 8-12 November 2021, Pittsburgh, PA
8. MEETING: Community Workshop #7 for NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, October 19-21, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
9. ANNOUNCEMENT: LWS Architecture Committee Seeks Community Input
10. ANNOUNCEMENT: Study on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Competed Space Missions
11. ANNOUNCEMENT: Upcoming SHIELD Webinar: Fri September 10th, 2021 2:00 PM EST
1. JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Research Scientist and Postdoctoral positions in Space Physics Instrumentation and Data Analysis at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory seeks candidates for Research Scientist and Postdoctoral positions in heliophysics data analysis and instrumentation with the Space Science and Applications Group (ISR-1).
ISR Division leads instruments on current and recent NASA missions such as IMAP, IBEX, Van Allen Probes, SWIFT, TWINS, and ACE, as well as NASA’s Mars Curiosity and Perseverance rovers. We also build, fly, operate, and analyze data from measurement systems
deployed to space for verification of international nuclear treaties, and develop innovative sensors for basic scientific missions, nuclear nonproliferation, space situational awareness and remote sensing.
The successful applicants will be expected to support the development and calibration of a range of space plasma instrumentation for missions such as NASA/IMAP and current National Security missions, and
the development of instrumentation for future missions. The candidates will also be expected to participate in original research in magnetospheric and/or heliospheric science. For the Research Scientist position, applicants should have laboratory experience
in the development of hardware for the detection of space plasmas or energetic neutral atoms, and an established record of original research in magnetospheric, ionospheric and/or heliospheric science. For the Postdoctoral position, applicants should have
laboratory experience broadly applicable to developing hardware for the detection of space plasmas; desired skills include familiarity with heliophysics (magnetospheres, ionospheres, solar wind, outer heliosphere, etc.), or a strong interest in learning about
such environments. The selected candidates will have the opportunity to interact with Laboratory staff engaged in a broad range of observational, computational, and theoretical research in heliophysics. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in Space Physics,
Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, or appropriate similar fields. The ability to obtain a DOE Q clearance is desired.
Interested persons should apply online at
https://lanl.jobs to position posting IRC86128 for the research scientist position, or IRC83749 for the postdoctoral position. Candidates will be expected to furnish a CV and statement of research interests. For further inquiries,
contact dreisenfeld at lanl.gov.
2. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Space Research at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas
The Department of Space Research at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, Texas is seeking applications for a postdoctoral scientist position to participate in and carry out original research
in experimental space physics and supporting laboratory experiments. SwRI is involved in the development of current missions such as the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), TRACERS, PUNCH, Europa Clipper, JUICE, and CuSP. SwRI also leads or
contributes to currently operating missions such as Juno, MMS, PSP, New Horizons, and IBEX.
The successful candidate is expected to support the development, testing, and calibration of energetic neutral atom and plasma instruments to be flown on upcoming heliophysics or planetary missions. The
candidate is expected to publish original research and results in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and present results at scientific meetings, workshops, and conferences. The research will involve interactions with Institute Staff engaged in a broad range
of experimental, observational, and computational research.
The candidate should have a PhD degree in space physics, experimental physics, or directly related physics degree with a GPA of 3.0 or greater. The candidate should have work experience in related experimental
physics. The candidate should have demonstrated the ability to program and utilize software tools such as Simion and Lua, LabView, TRIM, Geant4, IDL, C, Python, or MATLAB.
Interested candidates should apply online at
3. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey White Paper Organization
To support community self-organization ahead of the decadal survey, a webpage has been set up for individuals to share their plans for decadal white papers with the heliophysics community. The intention
is for community members to use this page to coordinate similar white papers, solicit comments from interested researchers, and make connections that lead to refined and new white papers. The webpage is based on the Lunar and Planetary Institute's successful
model used for a previous decadal survey, and can be found at:
This site is for community information only and is not part of the National Academies' activities. The decadal survey sponsoring agencies do not approve, reject, or modify white paper concepts submitted.
Listing a white paper proposal here does not commit the author to submitting a white paper to the decadal survey, and an individual is not required to list a white paper here in order to submit it for the decadal survey. Any questions about NASA Heliophysics
Division's preparation for the decadal survey should be directed to Jared Leisner (jared.s.leisner@nasa.gov).
4. ANNOUNCEMENT: Call for Papers: Frontiers Research Topic "Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events: From Flares to Jets"
The Research Topic "Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events: from Flares to Jets" is open for submissions to the Space Physics section of the
journals Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences and Frontiers in Physics. The deadline for manuscript submission is 3 October 2021. We solicit
reviews and perspectives, as well as original research. Manuscripts tackling progress with new observations near the Sun (Parker Solar Probe and
Solar Orbiter) and growing simulation capabilities are particularly welcome.
This call aims to collect papers making up a comprehensive e-book addressing different aspects of Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events.
For further information, visit
Topic Editors:
Radoslav Bucik, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, United States
Linghua Wang, Peking University, Beijing, China
Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory (DOE), Los Alamos, United States
Sargam Mulay, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
5. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey White Paper Organization: Machine Learning & Data Science
Members of the Heliophysics Community are coordinating and organizing white papers on Machine Learning and Data Science for the Heliophysics Decadal Survey in order to increase their visibility and impact.
Anyone interested in leading, contributing to, or supporting a white paper, please reach out to Matthew Argall (matthew.argall[at]unh.edu) for more details.
6. MEETING: AGU Fall Meeting (In-person and Online) - 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA
Meeting website:
List of SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics Sessions:
Submit an abstract (deadline 4 August at 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT):
7. MEETING: Mini-conference at the 63rd APS DPP Meeting: "Collisionless Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas (Sorting Number 11.02)" - 8-12 November 2021, Pittsburgh, PA
Conveners: Nikolai Pogorelov (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Michael Gedalin (Ben-Gurion University, Israel), and Derek Schaeffer (Princeton University)
Description: This mini-conference requests submissions which address the wealth of in-situ measurements of collisionless shocks in nature and laboratory. It will also address the physical mechanisms that
govern crossing of collisionless shocks by non-thermal plasma.
Presentations discussing different theoretical approaches to describe the properties of collisionless shocks and their validation by observational and experimental data are especially welcome.
Meeting website:
8. MEETING: Community Workshop #7 for NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, October 19-21, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
The Fall MMS Community Workshop will be a hybrid (virtual and in-person) meeting with an in-person component in the scenic White Mountains of New Hampshire. The meeting will be open to the entire community,
and all are encouraged to participate. COVID-19 vaccinations are required for in-person attendees. Virtual attendees will receive a meeting link via email from the organizers.
More information:
Early Bird registration deadline: Sept 10, 2021
Hotel block pricing booking deadline: Sept 17, 2021
Late registration deadline: Oct 1, 2021
Title & abstracts are requested no later than Oct 1, 2021
See you there!
Organizing committee
Matt Argall,
Jim Burch,
Kevin Genestreti,
Barbara Giles,
Steve Myers,
Roy Torbert,
Christine Schulz
9. ANNOUNCEMENT: LWS Architecture Committee Seeks Community Input
NASA Heliophysics Division has asked a 10-member committee to evaluate the LWS mission line, including making suggestions for a future mission architecture. As part of our work, the LWS Architecture Committee
(LWSAC) has examined the Strategic Science Areas as defined by the LWS Program Analysis Group and identified appropriate science objectives. For each of these objectives a set of measurement strategies, physical phenomena, required measurements and envisioned
implementations have been crafted.
You can find all this at our website
We would like your feedback on these items – you can find a feedback form for each SSA through the webpage. We recognize there is a lot of material there; feel free to comment (briefly if possible) on
a subset of the items (even within an SSA or within a given science objective). The forms will be open from August 7-31.
From this material we will be forming Focused Mission Topics which will be presented for additional input later in the year. If you have any questions, please email us at
Thank you,
Christina Cohen for the LWSAC committee
10. ANNOUNCEMENT: Study on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Competed Space Missions
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has contracted with NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) to implement an important research study to understand the factors that
impede or facilitate diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the proposed leadership for competed space missions at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The results of this study will inform practical recommendations for the
Science Mission Directorate at NASA and its partners to reduce impediments to applicants and thereby enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the competitive pool of proposed leaders.
We are looking for potential key informants, who have served as Principal Investigator (PI) on at least one proposal for a competed space mission from 2010 to the present, who would be willing to participate
in a discussion around the processes for preparing and submitting a mission proposal to NASA, and elements of the mission proposal process that may present barriers or are facilitators for achieving diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. We are interested
in speaking to an array of individuals, who can provide diverse perspectives based on their race/ethnicity, gender identity, career stage, success of applications to NASA, and other factors.
Participation in this study will comprise a 45–60-minute virtual discussion with an interviewer from NORC. Your participation in the study will NOT be made known to NASA or NASEM, and NO staff outside
of the NORC Study Team will know your identity or be involved in the discussion itself. All interview responses will be kept confidential and stored separately from your contact information, and NORC will not share your contact information or interview responses
with anyone outside our study team.
If you are interested in participating in the study, please complete this short Study Eligibility Survey by August 20, 2021:
https://norc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dnCQsdxJUtl5W4u OR reply to
sawyer-heather@norc.org. The NORC study team will contact you within a few weeks to schedule an interview if you are eligible to participate.
We would also appreciate you forwarding this email invitation to your colleagues or friends who may be interested in the study as well.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
The NORC Study Team
11. ANNOUNCEMENT: Upcoming SHIELD Webinar: Fri September 10th, 2021 2:00 PM EST
Sonar, Esforzarse y Lograr: Reach, Strive, Achieve - From Costa Rica to Mars
Speaker: Sandra Cauffman
Mrs. Cauffman serves as the Deputy Director of the Earth Science Division, in the Science Mission Directorate at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Headquarters since May 2016. From
February 2019 to June 2020 she served as the Acting Director of the Earth Science Division. She provides executive leadership, strategic direction, and overall management for the entire agency’s multi-billion Earth Science portfolio, from technology development,
applied science, research, mission implementation and operation.
Prior to joining NASA HQ, Mrs. Cauffman worked at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) for 25 years as a civil servant (CS) and 3 years as a contractor prior to becoming a CS. Mrs. Cauffman joined NASA
in February 1991, when she started as the Ground Systems Manager for the Satellite Servicing Project, where she supported missions such as Hubble Space Telescope (HST) First Servicing Mission, Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), and Explorers Platform
(EP)/Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE).
Since then she served in a number of roles: GOES I/M and N/P Instrument Manager, Project Formulation Office (PFO) Office Chief, Instrument Systems Manager for GOES-R, Deputy Project Manager for GOES-R,
Assistant Director for the Flight Projects Directorate (code 400), Project Manager (PM) for the Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Small Explorer (SMEX) (GEMS), Deputy Project Manager for the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) Mission, and Deputy Systems
Program Director for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-R Series before moving to HQ.
Mrs. Cauffman has been awarded the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal and she is a two-time recipient of the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal. She is also a four times recipient of the NASA Acquisition
Improvement Award, and numerous GSFC and HQ awards. She is a Senior Fellow on the Council for Excellence in Government. She is an Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Costa Rica. She is also an Honorary Member of the Colegio Federado de Ingenieros
y de Arquitectos in Costa Rica. She received a B.S. in Physics, a B.S in Electrical Engineering and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering, all from George Mason University. Her profile has been highlighted by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women for being a positive example for women, especially, youth and children. Due to her extensive work in outreach and STEM in Costa Rica and Latin America the Government of Costa Rica issued a stamp in her honor in 2017.
Friday, September 10
Register Here: