Heliosphere News – June 16, 2021
A newsletter devoted to Heliospheric Science.
Editor: Nathan Schwadron (nschwadron at unh.edu)
Co-Editor: Mihir Desai (mdesai at swri.edu)
Co-Editor: Eric Zirnstein (ejz at princeton.edu)
Co-Editor: Matina Gkioulidou (matina.gkioulidou at jhuapl.edu)
Co-Editor: Jamie Rankin (jsrankin at princeton.edu)
Coordinator: Liz Wilber (Elizabeth.Wilber at unh.edu) Web site editor: Ken Fairchild (Ken.Fairchild at unh.edu)
If you are interested in being added to the list, being removed from the list, or posting an announcement, please send information to Nathan, Mihir, Eric, Matina, or Jamie. Posts are limited to ascii text.
Newsletters are archived on the following website:
******************* Announcements *******************
1. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Research Scientist Positions in Space Physics at Florida Institute of Technology
2. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey Preparatory Discussions (Pre-/Post-Heliophysics 2050 Workshop)
3. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey White Paper Organization
4. ANNOUNCEMENT: Post-Helio2050: Outer Heliosphere and LISM White Papers
1. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Research Scientist Positions in Space Physics at Florida Institute of Technology
The Space Physics Group in the Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, is offering several postdoctoral and senior research positions in space physics. The Space Physics Group researches in
several areas of heliospheric physics. These positions focus on studying cosmic rays and solar energetic particle propagation in fluctuating magnetic fields for space weather forecasts. Preferred qualifications of the candidate include having prior experience
in numerical computer modeling, machine learning, and analyzing plasma, particle, and magnetic field data from spacecraft. The applicant should have a Ph.D. degree in space physics or closely related disciplines. Send application to mzhang at fit.edu in a
single PDF file along with names and contact information for recommendation letters.
2. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey Preparatory Discussions (Pre-/Post-Heliophysics 2050 Workshop)
To augment the impact of the Heliophysics 2050 Workshop (May 3-7) on the community's pre-decadal preparation, NASA is supporting additional opportunities for community coordination.
1. Pre-Workshop, NASA is encouraging preparatory discussions so that the In-Workshop discussions are as productive as possible.
2. Post-Workshop, NASA is encouraging follow-on discussions that can take threads that arise at the Workshop and further develop them as part of decadal survey white paper preparation.
NASA especially encourages discussions on interdisciplinary science, science that expands the field of heliophysics, a coherent pipeline from basic research to operational activities, and state of the profession topics. Topics should be
focused enough to be productive without being so focused that discussion threads outside of established canon are excluded.
Given the limited time before the Workshop, groups are encouraged to meet at least once a week. After the Workshop, groups will be encouraged to consider the decadal survey white paper deadlines when scheduling.
Some pre-Workshop groups are currently meeting, and interested individuals are encouraged to contact the organizer for connection information:
Larry Kepko (larry.kepko@nasa.gov): Terrestrial magnetospheric science
Shasha Zou (shashaz@umich.edu): Terrestrial ITM science
Albert Y. Shih (albert.y.shih@nasa.gov): High-energy solar physics
Dan Seaton (Daniel.Seaton@Colorado.EDU): Middle corona and connection to heliosphere
Mark Linton (mark.linton@nrl.navy.mil): Solar interior and atmospheric science
Allison Jaynes (allison-n-jaynes@uiowa.edu): Magnetosphere-atmosphere connections
Justyna Sokol (justyna.sokol@swri.org): Outer heliosphere
Aleida Higginson (aleida.k.higginson@nasa.gov): Outer corona/heliosphere
Rob Ebert (rob.ebert@swri.org): Comparative magnetospheres
Katherine Garcia-Sage (katherine.garcia-sage@nasa.gov): Exoplanets/astrospheres
Hantao Ji (hji@princeton.edu): Reconnection (including applications to laboratory and astrophysics communities)
Jennifer Gannon (gannon@cpi.com): Space weather
Ryan McGranahan (ryan.mcgranahan@colorado.edu): Data science in heliophysics
Anna Tenerani (anna.tenerani@austin.utexas.edu): Turbulence
Jaye Verniero (jverniero@berkeley.edu): Community
To volunteer to organize a new group, contact Ian Cohen (ian.cohen@jhuapl.edu) to coordinate. No topic relevant to the Workshop and the decadal survey will be discouraged. A modest honorarium is
available for eligible organizers.
All groups must be open to all interested members of the community. All groups must abide by the highest standards of conduct.
Any questions about NASA Heliophysics Division's preparation for the decadal survey should be directed to Jared Leisner (jared.s.leisner@nasa.gov).
Heliophysics Division Decadal Survey webpage:
Heliophysics 2050 Workshop:
3. ANNOUNCEMENT: Decadal Survey White Paper Organization
To support community self-organization ahead of the decadal survey, a webpage has been set up for individuals to share their plans for decadal white papers with the heliophysics community.
The intention is for community members to use this page to coordinate similar white papers, solicit comments from interested researchers, and make connections that lead to refined and new white papers. The webpage is based on the Lunar
and Planetary Institute's successful model used for a previous decadal survey, and can be found at:
This site is for community information only and is not part of the National Academies' activities. The decadal survey sponsoring agencies do not approve, reject, or modify white paper concepts submitted.
Listing a white paper proposal here does not commit the author to submitting a white paper to the decadal survey, and an individual is not required to list a white paper here in order to submit it for the decadal survey.
Any questions about NASA Heliophysics Division's preparation for the decadal survey should be directed to Jared Leisner (jared.s.leisner@nasa.gov).
4. ANNOUNCEMENT: Post-Helio2050: Outer Heliosphere and LISM White Papers
We resume discussions about the Outer Heliosphere and LISM as a preparatory for the Decadal Survey. This time we focus on white papers. Please join us on Wednesday, June 16th, 11:00 am EDT. If you haven't joined the discussion group yet,
please register to get access to the meeting
Justyna, Elena, Marc
Best Regards,