[HeliosphereNews] Heliosphere News - Dec. 26, 2017

Opher, Merav mopher at bu.edu
Tue Dec 26 17:48:56 EST 2017

Heliosphere News - Dec. 26, 2017


A newsletter devoted to Heliospheric Science.

Editor: Nathan Schwadron (nschwadron at unh.edu<http://unh.edu>)
Co-Editor: Mihir Desai (mdesai at swri.edu<http://swri.edu>)
Co-Editor: Eric Zirnstein (ejz at princeton.edu<http://princeton.edu>)
Co-Editor: Merav Opher (mopher at bu.edu<http://bu.edu>)
Co-Editor: Nick Pogorelov (np0002 at uah.edu<http://uah.edu>)

Web site editor: Ken Fairchild (Ken.Fairchild at unh.edu<http://unh.edu>)

If you are interested in being added to the list, being removed from the list, or posting an announcement, please send information to Nathan, Mihir, Eric, Merav, or Nick. Posts are limited to ascii text. Newsletters are archived on the following website: http://heliospherenews.unh.edu/.

******************* Announcements *******************

1. MEETING: 17th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, March 5-9, 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

2. MEETING: Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) Meeting, Leesburg, Virginia, 20-24 May 2018

3. MEETING: ASTRONUM 2018, June 25-29, 2018, Panama City Beach, Florida, USA

4. MEETING: EWASS 2018 (Liverpool, UK 3- 6 April 2018) Symposium S4: High Resolution Solar Physics - the dawn of a new era

5. GRAD OPPORTUNITY: Graduate Student Opportunities at University of Alabama, Huntsville

6. GRAD OPPORTUNITY: Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire is accepting applications for Fall 2018

7. GRAD OPPORTUNITY: Graduate Studies in Solar and Heliospheric Physics at the University of Arizona

8. JOB OPPORTUNITY: Job vacancy: Space Physics Department, Geophysics Institute Universidad Nacional Autenoma de Mexico

9. AWARD OPPORTUNITY: AGU SPA “Nonlinear Waves” prize of ~$10,000


1. MEETING: 17th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, March 5-9, 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: The 17th Annual International Astrophysics Conference will be return to Santa Fe, New Mexico at the La Posada de Santa Fe Hotel from March 5-9, 2018. (Welcome Reception and Evening Registration begins Sunday, March 4).

The website and more details will be available soon. For now, please mark your calendars and contact us with your interest in attending. E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to Gary Zank at garyp.zank at gmail.com<http://gmail.com> or icnsmeetings at gmail.com<http://gmail.com>.


2. MEETING: Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) Meeting, Leesburg, Virginia, 20-24 May 2018

The Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) is a joint meeting of the Space Physics and Aeronomy Section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Solar Physics Division (SPD) of the American Astronomical Society. Following the successful inaugural meeting in Indianapolis in 2015, the next meeting will take place 20-24 May 2018 at the Lansdowne Resort and Spa in Leesburg, VA.

TESS welcomes participation by the entire Heliophysics community, including all four traditional sub-disciplines devoted to studies of the Sun, Heliosphere, Magnetosphere, and Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere. TESS not only promotes greater interaction and unity within Heliophysics, but also connections to astrophysics and planetary physics.

The scientific program will include four interdisciplinary plenary sessions of interest across Heliophysics:  Space Weather, Heliophysics Applied to Stellar-Planet Systems, Ion-Neutral Coupling Throughout the Heliophysical System, and Magnetic Reconnection in Space Plasmas. There will also be many sessions devoted to other topics, both interdisciplinary and more narrowly focused. Some of these sessions will be led by organizers, in the conventional "AGU style", while others will be created by the Scientific Organizing Committee after the abstracts have been submitted (SPD style). The SOC invites you to help organize and then join us for the second TESS meeting.

To suggest a session, please contact one of the organizers below by 6 November.

Dana Longcope (dana at solar.physics.montana.edu<http://solar.physics.montana.edu>) Larry Paxton (larry.paxton at jhuapl.edu<http://jhuapl.edu>)


3. MEETING: ASTRONUM 2018, June 25-29, 2018, Panama City Beach, Florida, USA

Maison de la Simulation (CEA/CNRS/UPS/UVSQ), France will organize ASTRONUM-2018 - the 14th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows in Panama City Beach, Florida, USA, on 25-29 June, 2018.

The conference will cover the following topics:

(1) Advanced numerical methods for space and astrophysical flows; (2) Large-scale fluid-based, kinetic, and hybrid simulations; (3) Turbulence and cosmic ray transport; (4) Magnetohydrodynamics (5) Software packages for modeling and analyzing plasma flows / Visualisation

with the application to

(1) Physics of the Sun-Heliosphere-Magnetosphere; (2) Interstellar medium and star formation; (3) Cosmology and galaxy formation; (4) Dynamo effect; (5) Stellar Physics.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading experts in applied mathematics, space physics, astrophysics, and geophysics to discuss the application of novel numerical algorithms and petascale parallelization strategies to computationally challenging problems. The conference will be structured around invited, 40-minute keynote and 25-minute regular talks, and a limited number of contributed talks, with the attempt to have no parallel sessions. The conference web site icnsmeetings.com<http://icnsmeetings.com> will soon provide the information about the conference venue, registration, and means of transportation. E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to Nikolai.Pogorelov at uah.edu<http://uah.edu>  and Edouard.Audit at cea.fr<http://cea.fr>.

Program Committee: Tahar Amari (CNRS Ecole Polytechnique), Edouard Audit (CEA, Maison de la Simulation, co-chair), Amitava Bhattacharjee (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), Phillip Colella (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Anthony Mezzacappa (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Ewald Mueller (Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics, Garching), Nikolai Pogorelov (University of Alabama in Huntsville, chair), Kazunari Shibata (Kyoto University), James Stone (Princeton University), Jon Linker (Predictive Science Inc.), and Gary P. Zank (University of Alabama in Huntsville).


4.  MEETING: EWASS 2018 (Liverpool, UK 3- 6 April 2018)

Symposium S4: High Resolution Solar Physics - the dawn of a new era

Abstracts submission for the EWASS symposium on High Resolution Solar Physics is now open, and we encourage you to submit your abstracts before the deadline of 27 Nov.

The topics of the symposium are:
- Solar dynamo and its surface manifestations
- Flux emergence and evolution
- Photospheric dynamics and magnetism
- Chromospheric dynamics and magnetism
- Energy transport and waves
- Eruptive events

And we welcome contributions from theorists, ground and space-based observers alike.

More information on the symposium goals, abstract submission and registration can be found at:


Sarah Matthews, Manolo Collados, Mihalis Mathioudakis, Ilaria Ermolli, Hector Socas-Navarro


5. GRAD OPPORTUNITY: Graduate Student Opportunities at the University of Alabama, Huntsville

The Department of Space Science at The University of Alabama in Huntsville is accepting applications to its M.S. and Ph.D. programs for the Fall 2018 semester. We are a graduate-only, student and research focused department that aims to produce proficient and self-reliant scientists through our M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Students have the opportunity to not only work with our world-renowned faculty, but also with adjunct faculty from the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research and NASA’s Marshal Space Flight Center. Scientists from both centers share office space on the UAH campus with faculty from the department. Our research projects cover topics including: the Sun, solar atmosphere, inner heliosphere and space weather, the solar wind and its interaction with the interstellar medium, solar energetic particles and cosmic rays, high energy astrophysics including gamma- ray bursts and gravitational waves. Our students graduate with a broad range of professional scientific skills including: analytic methods for solving physics problems, computational physics, data analysis, presentation of scientific ideas in both written and oral formats. UAH is an anchor tenant of the second largest research park in the country, in a city with a rich history of space science that dates back to Wernher von Braun and the birth of the US space program. Contact person is Dr. Jacob Heerikhuisen, e-mail: jh0004 at uah.edu<mailto:jh0004 at uah.edu>.


6. GRAD OPPORTUNITY: The Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire is accepting applications (to its MS and PhD programs for the Fall 2018 semester)


We have a number of graduate research fellowships to award to incoming students. The Department of Physics is linked to the Space Science Center (SSC), part of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space. Faculty and students are members of the Department of Physics (http://physics.unh.edu) with a graduate degree program specializing in Space Physics/Astrophysics. The Space Science Center fosters research and graduate education in all of the space sciences with studies ranging from the ionosphere to the Earth's magnetosphere, the local solar system, and out to the farthest reaches of the universe. Investigations of the Earth's environment in the solar system look at space as a laboratory for plasma physics. We conduct theoretical, computational, data analysis, and instrument development projects focused on the solar-terrestrial radiation environment involving both satellite and suborbital missions. High energy astrophysics investigations involve the sensing of energetic astrophysical objects with ground, balloon, and satellite detectors. Satellites from NASA missions are still providing data for ongoing analysis. Students have opportunities to participate in recent missions that are carrying SSC-associated instruments including STEREO (launched 2006), IBEX (launched 2008), LRO (launched 2009), Van Allen Probes (launched 2012), Firebird (launched in Dec. 2013), MMS (launched in 2015), FIREBIRD II (launched in 2015), and GOES-R (launched in 2016). Upcoming missions in which the SSC is involved include Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe. The SSC is also a Center of Excellence in theoretical Solar-terrestrial research.


7. GRAD OPPORTUNITY: Graduate Studies in Solar and Heliospheric Physics at the University of Arizona

The Department of Planetary Sciences, and Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, at the University of Arizona seeks prospective graduate students interested in pursuing research in heliophysics and space physics.  Successful candidates will (nominally) enter the program in the fall 2018 semester. The deadline for application is December 8, 2017; prospective students should apply at https://www.lpl.arizona.edu/graduate/admission. Research assistantships in solar and heliospheric physics are available.

The Solar and Heliospheric research group (https://www.lpl.arizona.edu/research/heliophysics), consists of eight faculty and researchers, whose broad research interests include: cosmic ray acceleration and transport in the solar system, the nature of the heliosphere, the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, space weather and the space radiation environment, and fundamental topics in space plasma physics and astrophysics.   We are involved in existing NASA spacecraft missions, including Voyager and the Advanced Composition Explorer, and future NASA missions such as the Parker Solar Probe – a mission to ‘touch’ the Sun – launching next summer.

Students admitted to our program will take courses covering broad aspects of planetary sciences, including physics, chemistry, and geology of the solar system, in addition to research in solar and heliospheric physics. Further details can be found at https://www.lpl.arizona.edu/graduate

Questions about the program, application process, research projects, or other general questions, should be directed to either Prof. Joe Giacalone (giacalon at lpl.arizona.edu<mailto:giacalon at lpl.arizona.edu>) or Prof. Kristopher Klein (kgklein at lpl.arizona.edu<mailto:kgklein at lpl.arizona.edu>).


8.  JOB OPPORTUNITY: Space Physics Department, Geophysics Institute Universidad Nacional Autenoma de Mexico

Topic: Cosmic Rays

Title: Plaza de Investigador Titular A de Tiempo Completo, interino

Number: 78712-47

Salary: The basic salary is 20,534.84 MXN, but the stimuli provided by different institutions augment this sum by roughly 100% in the beginning and potentially much more afterwards.

Geophysics Institute at the Universidad Nacional Autenoma de Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City is announcing a full time job as a scientist in the field of Physics of cosmic rays with emphasis on operation, simulation and analysis of the data from cosmic rays detectors. If selected, the candidate will have access to several research facilities including High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWK) located on the flanks of the Sierra Negra volcano near Puebla.

The candidates are expected to have a PhD or equivalent experience in the topic of cosmic rays and at least four years of experience in research and teaching. The research experience is expected to be backed up by their original publications in relevant journals. The candidates are also expected to have graduated students on different levels.

In order to be considered, candidates will have to do the following:

- They have to write a research project on usage of the cosmic radiation data in the studies of modulation and solar activity (maximum 15 pages). In the project the candidates have to indicate which products they will deliver and what is the infrastructure required for the completion of the proposed project.

- The candidates will have to make an oral presentation of their project (duration 30 minutes).

In order to participate in the concourse the candidates have to contact the Secretaria Academica of the Geophysics Institute (s.academica at igeofisica.unam.mx<http://igeofisica.unam.mx>) located in the Ciudad Universitaria (University Campus), Ciudad de Mexico before December 4 2017 and present the following documents:

I. An application to participate in the concourse (stating the Title and the Number provided above).

II. Curriculum Vitae accompanied by the copies of the documents that prove the validity of the CV.

III. All academic titles (University, Masters, PhD).

The candidates will be notified about the admission of their application and the date and place of the oral presentation. The results will be published within 15 workdays after the date when the Consejo Tecnico de la Investigacion Cientifica takes its decision.

The candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Rogelio Caballero (rogelioc at geofisica.unam.mx<http://geofisica.unam.mx>) or Dr. Alejandro Lara (alara at geofisica.unam.mx<http://geofisica.unam.mx>) prior submitting their applications in order to discuss possible future collaborations.


9. AWARD OPPORTUNITY: AGU SPA “Nonlinear Waves” prize of ~$10,000

We call attention to an AGU SPA “Nonlinear Waves” prize of ~$10,000 to be given out by the AGU in 2018 (https://honors.agu.org/sfg-award-lecture/space-weather-and-nonlinear-waves-and-processes-prize/).  The deadline for submission is at the beginning of 2018.  All of the pertinent information can be found on the AGU website.  If you still have questions, you can contact Antonio Covington (acovington at agu.org<mailto:acovington at agu.org>) of the AGU or any of the four of us.  This prize will be given out every other year (alternating with a prize for Space Weather). The prize is intended to stimulate research in this particular area of science.

Anyone who has published a significant paper or body of papers on nonlinear plasma/MHD waves in space plasmas is eligible.  The specific requirement is that the results be observational, theoretical/simulation that explain observations unequivocally, or theoretical/simulations that eventually led to confirmative observations.

A selection committee will be set up by the AGU SPA President (L. Paxton) and President-Elect (C. Cohen) and the AGU Nonlinear Geophysics (NG) Focus Group President (A. Pouquet) to evaluate the submitted nominations.

With Best Wishes,
Bruce Tsurutani (bruce.tsurutani at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:bruce.tsurutani at jpl.nasa.gov>)
Larry Paxton (larry.paxton at jhuapl.gov<mailto:larry.paxton at jhuapl.gov>)
Christina Cohen (cohen at srl.caltech.edu<mailto:cohen at srl.caltech.edu>)
Annick Pouquet (pouquet at ucar.edu<mailto:pouquet at ucar.edu>)

Happy New Year

Merav Opher
Associate Professor, Dept. of Astronomy
Boston University
Sabbatical Professor, Institute for Theory and Computation
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

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