[Ect_cois] Fwd: EFW data

Harlan Spence Harlan.Spence at unh.edu
Tue Nov 5 15:28:09 EST 2013


    Please see below a note about a time tag concern in the EFW data and 
also a request from John Wygant about how to contact him regarding EFW 
data requests (please use an email subject heading entitled "EFW Data 

- Harlan

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	EFW data
Date: 	Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:10:45 -0500
From: 	Charles W. Smith <Charles.Smith at unh.edu>
To: 	Charles W. Smith <Charles.Smith at unh.edu>, Torbert, Roy
<Roy.Torbert at unh.edu>, Spence, Harlan <harlan.spence at unh.edu>, Matthew
Argall <matthew.argall at wildcats.unh.edu>, Kristoff Paulson
<kristoffpaulson at gmail.com>, Jichun Zhang <Jichun.Zhang at unh.edu>,
Anthony A Saikin <aax75 at wildcats.unh.edu>

Harlan, you might share this with your people.  In fact, everyone should
feel free to share this.

I just received a call from John Wygant.  He spoke about the time tag
problem in the EFW data and its correction.  He agreed that Matt did the
right thing by submitting his paper when the deadline was approaching
and that he can always send a revision should he find the new data
(which John said has now been provided) has significantly changed the

John has asked that whenever sending him an email with a data request,
please put in the Subject line "EFW Data Request" so that he can better
track them.  He fears that he may have lost some of the requests, having
fallen through the cracks between him and his data people.

May I suggest two things?

First, do what he asks and perhaps follow up sooner rather than later if
you feel your request has been lost (whether it was the past or in the

Second, perhaps we should have a little round robin once some of us have
worked with the new data so we can all better understand just how bad
this problem may be?  Matt might be best positioned to handle that.


Charles W. Smith, Research Professor
Charles.Smith at unh.edu (email address)
http://www.eos.sr.unh.edu/Faculty/Smith/ (detailed bio)
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http://www.ssg.sr.unh.edu/mag/ACE.html (ACE/MAG instrument)
ftp.eos.sr.unh.edu/pub/outgoing/CWSmith (anon. ftp)
603-862-0890 (office)
Room 207 Morse Hall, 8 College Road
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

/...For those lost ones still before me stand
They're all present as of old,
In the tangled skein of passing years
They shine like threads of gold.
So here's a health to those no longer near,
And a glass to those departed
Who yet shine on through our darkening years
The brave and gentle-hearted.
/ -- Garnet Rogers

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