Congratulations team!  Job well done.  Please keep hush, hush right now.




Sonya Smith

Mission Manager

Space Science Center

Morse Hall, Room 106

University of New Hampshire

8 College Road

Durham, NH 03824-3525

Cell: 603-828-7332




From: Petro, Noah (GSFC-6980) via lro-science-telecon <>
Date: Friday, April 22, 2022 at 3:12 PM
To: LRO Management <>, LRO Science <>, Jones, Andrea (GSFC-6900) via Lro-science-team <>
Subject: [lro-science-telecon] ESM5 is a GO! - Embargoed news until April 25 at 2pm ET



It is with great joy I can report that LRO has been approved for ESM5! This news is under embargo until April 25th at 2PM Eastern, so please no tweeting or sharing outside of the LRO team until then.


I would like to note the selection letter concluded with the following statement:


Since its launch in 2009, through Exploration and Science primary missions, and now heading into its fifth extended mission, the LRO team has consistently performed well beyond NASA’s expectations. LRO has produced an unfathomable amount of lunar data, prolifically published its scientific discoveries, developed scores of early-career scientists that are now leaders in lunar science, and brought unimaginable visualizations of the Moon to the general public. Thank you for continuing provide such amazing value to NASA, to the science and exploration communities, to academia, and to the public. 


I want to thank the theme leads for helping usher the proposal along, and everyone for their dedication to our amazing mission.


Have an excellent weekend!

