Core envy!

No, this is perfectly acceptable use.  There is a whole lot of legitimate uses for one core jobs.
We will definitely not micro manage that unless there is some abuse suspected.
I’m a whole lot more worried about people running 50 node jobs for days without checking 
properly, and then have to throw away everything (or worse keep it  on the disk!), just because
we are so blessed and it costs nothing.  If anything, we have to change that.

—  Jimmy

Joachim (Jimmy) Raeder
Professor of Physics, Department of Physics & Space Science Center
University of New Hampshire
245G Morse Hall, 8 College Rd, Durham, NH 03824-3525
voice: 603-862-3412  mobile: 603-502-9505  assistant: 603-862-1431

On Dec 6, 2016, at 12:24 PM, Gorby, Matthew <> wrote:

Hello Trillian Users,

I'm seeing a lot of one node, one proc / node jobs running at the moment.  If this is just the way "qstat -a" displays a type of run I'm not familiar then please excuse this email.  If those jobs really are what they appear to be then may we have one of the admins chime in on this issue?  I'd like to know if that is an acceptable use of Trillian's resources.  If not, it would be really great to have the other 31/32 of those procs available.



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