Space weather is increasingly recognised as an international challenge faced by several communities. The ability to understand, monitor and forecast the space weather of the Earth and the heliosphere is of paramount importance for our high-technology society and for the current rapid developments in knowledge and exploration within our Solar System.

To discuss this important area of research we invite you to the IAU Symposium 335: Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts. The symposium will be held at the University of Exeter, UK, from 17 - 21 July 2017.

Key Topics of the Scientific Program are the following:
* Solar drivers and activity levels
* Solar wind and heliosphere
* Impact on terrestrial and planetary environments
* Long-term trends and predictions for space weather
* Challenges and strategy plans for Earth and the heliosphere
* Forecasting models
* Space weather monitoring, instrumentation, data and services

You can pre-register your interest in this exciting conference before registration formally opens in January 2017. The deadline for the submission of abstracts and for financial support will be 27 February 2017. The deadline for early registration will be 20 April 2017.

The IAU Symposium will have dedicated Conference Proceedings. First details including the lists of provisional invited speakers and public lecturers, information about location, scientific excursions, social events, costs, and travel can be found on the symposium website.

A parallel Education Programme will also take place, and a limited number of rooms are available to use for breakout sessions. Please email the Local Organising Committee at for information on these opportunities.

We look forward to welcoming you in Exeter next year!

On behalf of the IAU Symposium 335 Organising Committees:
The Scientific Organising Committee:
Claire Foullon (Chair), Olga Malandraki (Co-chair), Zouhair Benkhaldoun, Francesco Berrilli, Anil Bhardwaj, Allan Sacha Brun, Norma Bock Crosby, Sergio Dasso, Alina Donea, Hans Haubold, Hermann Opgenoorth, Patricia Reiff, Kazuo Shiokawa, Ilya Usoskin, Jingxiu Wang, David Webb

The Local Organising Committee:
Claire Foullon (Chair), Mitchell Berger (Co-chair), David Jackson (Co-chair), Mark Baldwin, Alice Mills, David Strange
Contact us:
Twitter: #iaus335 @iaus335

Dr Claire Foullon
IAUS335 Main Organiser |
University of Exeter, Devon, UK |