Two more AGU announcements :

SH009:  ICME and Energetic Particle Interactions in the Heliosphere and at Solar System Bodies

We invite contributions to the special session SH009, at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, December 12-16. The session is cross-listed with Planetary Sciences and SPA Magnetospheric Physics.

Simultaneous measurement of radiation, plasma, and magnetic fields at multiple locations (e.g., the Moon, Mars, comets) has ushered in an era where it is possible to study energetic solar events as they propagate through the Solar System. The effects of the same energetic solar events
on different types of bodies can also be compared and contrasted. The publicly available analysis tools at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center facilitate these studies by helping identify conjunctions or magnetic connections between observing locations. This session aims to tie together topics on interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and energetic particle propagation and evolution in the heliosphere, along with resulting effects on Solar System bodies; such as those relating to space weathering of the surface and subsurface, as well as changes to magnetospheres, ionospheres, or exospheres.

To submit an abstract (Deadline August 3rd, 2016):

Conveners: Reka Winslow, Timothy Stubbs, Jingnan Guo, Thomas Knight

SH027: "Waves, Oscillations, and Instabilities in Solar and Heliospheric Plasma Structures"
AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, 12-16 December 2016 (meeting
Final abstract submission deadline:  Wednesday, 3 August 2016, Early
Abstract Submission Deadline: Wed, 27 July, 2016

Space and ground based observations have detected a variety of
low-frequency plasma waves, oscillations, and instabilities (e.g.,
Alfven waves, Fast/Slow/EUV waves, global-kink-mode, and
sausage-mode) in solar and heliospheric magnetoplasma structures that
exist across a wide range of spatio-temporal scales (e.g., small
flux- ropes in the surface-granulation-pattern, spicules,
prominences, coronal loops). Laboratory plasma experiments have made
important contributions in developing models that can accurately
predict propagation, damping, and growth-rate of plasma waves and
instabilities. Development of similar models for solar plasma
structures can help us fully utilize diagnostic capabilities of these
waves and understand their role in energy transport on the Sun. This
session provides a platform to bring together experts in remote
observational analysis, numerical/analytical modeling, and
experimental/theoretical plasma physics. We especially welcome
contributions based on recent (SDO, Hinode, IRIS, WIND, ACE, Helios,
Cluster, and MMS) and planning for next generation observational
facilities (DKIST, EST, COSMO, Solar-Orbiter, and Solar-Probe plus).

Shreekrishna Tripathi (UCLA), Leon Ofman (CUA/NASA-Goddard Space
Flight Center), Irina Kitiashvili (NASA Ames Research Center), Viktor
Fedun (University of Sheffield, UK)