Call for Abstracts for ISROSES III: September 12-16, 2016, Bulgaria

Abstract submission and registration for the International Symposium on
Recent Observations and Simulations of the Sun-Earth System III (ISROSES
III) in Golden Sands, Bulgaria, is now open.

The purpose of the conference is to improve present understanding of the
complex, multi-scale, interactions in the Sun-Earth system (from deep
within the Sun to the Earth’s atmosphere) by creating a forum for
researchers from all space science communities to present and discuss
recent advances and future research directions.

The scientific discussions will include but are not limited to the
following themes:
- Interactions and coupling within the Sun-Earth system
- Advances in measurement, theory, and simulations of the Sun-Earth
- Reaction of the Earth system to the Sun and the solar wind
- Recent research in space weather science and applications

Format: Talks, posters, and audience-participation discussions.

Important Deadlines:
1 May 2016: Abstract submission.
1 June 2016: Travel fellowship applications.
1 July 2016: Early bird registration.

Further information about this meeting and details on how to submit your
abstract, registration, etc. can be found at:
You can also find there a high-resolution version of the conference
poster, available for download. We would like to encourage you to
display this poster at your institution or campus.

The conveners:
Vania Jordanova, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Joe Borovsky, Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO, USA