To the SHINE community,

This is the first announcement of special session SS2 of the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) meeting to take place on 4-8 July 2016 in Athens, Greece.

The session combines observations, data analysis, theory, and numerical simulations, to address the following questions:
(1) How does the coupling between solar magnetic fields and plasma flows power solar eruptions? (Emergence and evolution of solar magnetic fields, triggering and evolution of solar eruptions, coronal structure, and solar wind formation).

(2) How does the solar wind interact with the ejecta and how do the terrestrial and planetary magnetospheres react to the perturbed solar wind? (propagation of CMEs and Solar Energetic Particles in turbulent solar wind plasmas, development of
geospace magnetic storms, acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies in the Van Allen radiation belts).

(3) Multi-scale observations of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (new results from the VAP and MMS missions).

We solicit both oral and poster contributions. Abstract submission deadline is 15 March 2016. More info about the special session and the meeting can be found in and respectively.

The organizers of SS2:

V. Archontis
I. A. Daglis
S. Patsourakos
A. Vourlidas
