I personally can't make it Monday, but that has nothing to do with the weather.  RBSP is yelling at me.

On 2/10/2013 4:06 PM, Opher, Merav wrote:
I was planning to but would be good from the UNH folks if this Wouk be a problem and should we reschedule


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 10, 2013, at 3:41 PM, "Ofer Cohen" <ocohen@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

Re: [Nessc] NESSC: Simulations and Observations of CMEs, SEPs as ARs: schedule of talks Merav,
It seems like all schools are going to be closed tomorrow in Boston and Cambridge (for a reason I don’t really understand). Are we going to have the meeting as planned?


On 2/7/13 12:09 PM, "Opher, Merav" <mopher@bu.edu> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

The NESSC is fast approaching. Will be this coming Monday (post snow blizzard). We will start at 10:00am and  end around 3:30pm-

Boston University
NESSC: Simulations and Observations of CMEs, SEPs as ARs

725 Commonwealth Avenue
We will convene in room 500.

I put together a tentative schedule for talks. Send me any updates or changes. I also included an atendee list at the bottom. I schedule around 30 minutes between talks- if you could try to limit to your talk between 15-20 minutes we can have at least 10 minutes discussion.

Looking forward for Monday!


Nessc mailing list

Nessc mailing list

Charles W. Smith, Research Professor
http://www.eos.sr.unh.edu/Faculty/Smith/ (detailed bio)
http://www.eos.sr.unh.edu/ (Inst. Earth, Oceans and Space)
http://www.eos.sr.unh.edu/Resctr/SSC (Space Science Center)
http://www.ssg.sr.unh.edu/mag/ACE.html (ACE/MAG instrument)
ftp.eos.sr.unh.edu/pub/outgoing/CWSmith (anon. ftp)
603-862-0890 (office)
Room 207 Morse Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

...For those lost ones still before me stand
They're all present as of old,
In the tangled skein of passing years
They shine like threads of gold.
So here's a health to those no longer near,
And a glass to those departed
Who yet shine on through our darkening years
The brave and gentle-hearted.
-- Garnet Rogers