Dear Colleagues

We are greatly looking forward to our next New England Space Science Consortium (NESSC) meeting that will take place on Wednesday October 24, 2012 in room 330/332 of the Memorial Union Building at the University of New Hampshire. The meeting is scheduled is from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm. 

The focus of the meeting will be "Coronal mass ejections and Associated Phenomena". Our program schedule is listed below. We are planning to discuss topics such as the geometry, temperature structure and composition of CMEs near the Sun as observed remotely by coronagraphs, UV, EUV and X-Ray imagers, and near the Earth as observed remotely by heliospheric imagers and as measured in situ, the acceleration of particles by CME-driven shocks in the corona and in the interplanetary space, as well as discussions regarding the presence of a pre-existing flux rope, the cause of CME initiation and the origin of the SEP seed particles.
Thank you for those who participated in the doodle poll to determine the date of this meeting and sorry to those whose schedule we could not accommodate.

If you are interested in coming to the meeting, please email

10:45-11:00 Welcome

11am:  Start of the meeting

11:00 Yingna Su (CfA): Observations and Modeling of the Source Regions of CME
11:15 Antonia Sacheva (BU/CfA): Pre-eruption behavior of sigmoid regions
11:35 Hui Tian (CfA): spectroscopic obs of CMEs
11:50: Kathy Reeves (CfA): TBD

12:05-1:20: lunch

1:20 Ray Fermo (BU): reconnection in ICMEs?
1:35 Christina Kay (BU): CME coronal deflection
1:55 Kamen Kozarev (BU): CME + SEPs?
2:15 Matt Gorby (UNH): SEP

2:30-2:50 discussion 1

2:50-3:10 break

3:10 Noe Lugaz (UNH): Filling the Sun-Earth void
3:25 Dave Webb (BC): TBD
3:40 Chuck Smith (UNH): weak shocks and strong CMEs
3:55 Charlie Farrugia and/or Wenyuan Yu (UNH): TBD (probably small ICME-like transients)

4:15/4:20 - 4:30: final discussion 

Best regards


Nathan Schwadron

University of New Hampshire
Morse Hall - Room 354
8 College Road
Durham NH 03824

(603) 862-3451