Hello all,

Just an update in case you did not get the news: our CoRE proposal for an interdisciplinary working group to work toward a Northern New England NSF MRSEC was funded! Part of the funding is to host a workshop at UNH to bring collaborators in from UVM and UMaine, which will be held in Demeritt on June 9th and the morning of June 10th. Below is the text of an invitation to the workshop. 

Please email us if you have suggestions for who we should invite (roughly north of Boston and south of Canada). We will be requesting registration/RSVPs for the workshop soon. In the meantime, feel free to let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.


Dear [potential collaborator :) ],

A group of us at UNH are interested in developing a regional group of interdisciplinary researchers in Northern New England that could form the basis for a regional NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC). The next MRSEC competition is expected to be two years away, but as these centers are highly competitive, we would like to start building relationships and collaborations this summer.


To kick-off potential collaborations, we would like to invite you, your students, and interested colleagues to a one-and-a-half-day workshop on June 9 and 10, 2017 at UNH. The plan for the workshop is to have a series of talks the first day, ending with a student poster session, then a business meeting the second day to make decisions on how to move this group effort forward (see tentative schedule below).


Based on our strengths at UNH, we divided our faculty into three preliminary working groups:


IRG-1: Controlling Surface Chemistry and Interfacial Interactions in Renewable Energy Materials.
IRG-2: Controlling Interfaces, Composition and Defects to Tune Electronic Properties of Low-dimensional Materials.
IRG-3: Controlling Specific and Selective Interactions Between Molecules, Macromolecules, and Interfaces via Molecular Recognition.


At this time, we’d like to ask:
1. Are you available June 9-10th and interested in attending the workshop?
2. Would you like to give a talk on your research? If so, which IRG do you best align with?
3. Will you bring students, and will they present posters?


We have internal funding from UNH’s new Collaborative Research Excellence Initiative to support travel and accommodations for the workshop, which we will prioritize to support students.


Thank you in advance for considering joining us in this effort, and we look forward to hearing from you!



Shawna Hollen
Assistant Professor of Physics

Office: 603.862.3515 

University of New Hampshire 
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Department of Physics
DeMeritt Hall 331, 9 Library Way 
Durham, NH 03824-3547 