Dear Senior ISEr’s,

As a FYI, the field staff is having a hybrid virtual/live team meeting today at noon.  You are welcome to join us if you wish, or just listen in, or just be informed.  Note, we have set up a separate list serve for the field team at:


We had a productive week last week focused on making and installing soil respiration collars, first round of soil respiration measurements, and installing 40 root ingrowth cores.  The away team made progress, and also met with Paul outside of Burlington to go over dendro measurements and techniques.  The crew continues to work on the tree inventory, and we are breathlessly awaiting our sensor shipments from Campbell.  The lysimeter order is hung up in the Forest Service, and we may be seeking alternative purchasing mechanisms.


We will be having everyone sign up for the annual meetings.  We will give a group presentation as short Inspire-type talks.  Tim, can we have 20 minutes?  Talks, to include:

1.       Overview (Lindsey et al.)

2.       ISE Experiment (Home Team)

3.       Resampling 1998 plots (Away Team)

4.       Beetles and Birds (Wendy)

5.       Broader Impacts (Sarah/Joe?)

6.       Modeling (Charlie? Katharine?


I am looking for a time for an ISE meeting during the Annual Meeting week, preferably held out on the plots, or with a field trip to the plots  If you have other meetings scheduled already that week, please let me know so we can try to work around them!





From: Rustad, Lindsey -FS
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 6:03 AM
Cc: Rustad, Lindsey -FS
Subject: Team Meeting TODAY at noon


Good morning ISEr’s!

We are looking forward to a team check in today at noon.  Bring a real or virtual lunch and join us on this hybrid call:

Conference call:  888-844-9904; access code 8607807


Adobe Connect:; sign in as ‘guest’.


(can someone volunteer to take notes?)


We will do a check in on tasks and general business:

1.       Safety

2.      Away Team report in (Sarah and Stacie)

3.      Home Team report in:

a.       Plot location/GIS/Maps/flagging (Geoff)

b.      Soil Respiration collars, installation, and first round of measurements (!) (Lily)

c.       Root ingrowth cores (DroughtNet and ISE) (Delaney)

d.      Beetles and Birds (Wendy)

4.      Upcoming tasks

a.       Lysimeters (John)

b.      Sensors (Geoff)

5.      Data and Sample Management (Lindsey)

6.      HB Meetings - registration, talks, participation, helping out (Lindsey)

7.      Communications: list serve,,social media, drop box (Lindsey)

8.      Housekeeping check in (all)

9.      Other?





Forest Service Shield

Lindsey Rustad, PhD
Research Ecologist

Forest Service

Northern Research Station

p: 603-397-7406
c: 603-397-7406

271 Mast Ave
Durham, NH 03824
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