COS members,

Although COS members have differing levels of involvement with the LTER aspect of Hubbard Brook, we welcome all to be listed in the LTER personnel database. When included, you will receive any LTER notifications directed at researchers, which may include LTER newsletter, announcements for workshops, meetings and  webinars, etc. You won't be swamped with emails, though - I've only had 10 messages so far this year. If you received a message to the LTER-All listserv yesterday regarding an upcoming N2O workshop, that means that you are currently in the LTER directory, and no further action is required. If you did not receive that email and would like to be included in the LTER directory and mailing list, please visit this link and add your name Please submit your request by Wednesday June 28.

Also note that all Hubbard Brook Grad students are all entered into the LTER directory. They receive announcements that go to the LTER-wide grad list, and we also use that directory to communicate with our own grads. Anyone listed in the LTER directory can send messages to the Hubbard Brook Grads at


Mary Martin
Hubbard Brook Information Manager
Earth Systems Research Center          
Morse Hall, Univ of NH                  
Durham, NH 03824                       
Voice:  603 862 4508