Dear Hubbard Brook COS:


Please find attached agenda for the upcoming January 2017 meeting. We have two science themes planned: a mini-workshop on foliar chemistry studies and a synthesis of our understanding of the legacy of acid deposition. We will send an updated agenda when speakers are confirmed but this version provides a useful overview of the meeting. 


Please RSVP using the link below regarding you plans for the January 3-4, 2017 COS meeting. Housing information at the Cary Institute follows. 


RSVP link:


Please note that there will be limited availability of housing at the Cary Institute.  To reserve a room, use the Cary housing request form at: , listing Gary Lovett as your host.  You will receive a response as to whether or not a room is available.  If a Cary room is not available, the closest motel is the Cottonwood ( ).  

Looking forward to seeing you. 


John and Pam 

Chairs, HB SSC

John J. Battles
UC Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 643-0684