HB SCC Quarterly Meeting
Jan 7, 2015, 11:30 a.m.
Elections  (Scott)
Below is the current make up of the SCC. Soon after our meeting, Scott will send an email to the COS list asking for nominations to the one seat that opens this year. All COS members are eligible to make nominations or be nominated. If there are any questions or other opinions on how this works, we can discuss them any time via email or at the meeting.
Ruth Yanai, at large, expires April 2015
Charley Driscoll, LTER PI, expires April 2015; LTER PI rep. will be Gary or Peter
Pam Templer, at large, expires April 2016
Lynn Christenson, at large, expires April 2017
John Battles, at large, expires April 2017
Scott Bailey, appointed by FS project leader as USFS lead scientist
David Sleeper, HBRF executive director
Ivan Fernandez, appointed by SCC as external advisor
Mailing lists:  new system!  
question: What are the criteria for COS membership?  Do we care about enforcing it?
    HubbardBrook@lists.sr.unh.edu - reaches COS and ~40 additional HB affiliates
    HubbardBrookCOS@lists.sr.unh.edu - reaches COS only
    hbr_grad@lternet.edu - listserv linked to grad entries in LTER personnel database

Grad student list update method
    Private google drive spreadsheet shared with COS listerv
    Notice/link went out Jan 3, and a ~15 additions/updates have been provided

    New method: COS meeting announcement contains a link to google form for RSVP
    google spreadsheet containing RSVP form submissions is shared with Ruth/Gary

What should it be used for?  Scott said,
Thanks for setting up our mailing lists. I am looking forward to discussion at the COS meeting on how we might use these. I would like to see COS members share news of publications and proposals via these lists Often I hear of new work first from people outside our community, which doesn't make us look too good. Perhaps the email list would be a good way to share pdfs of new pubs too? Or do we have a better way of posting new publications so they are accessible within the community and that would avoid generating so many email attachments? I bring this up in case you have any recommendations on how this might best work.
Mary said:
I'll bring some ideas on the pdf sharing.
Ruth said:
Scott, do you think we should discuss this in the SCC, and have a proposal for the COS?  Maybe there’s no rush, we raise the topic in the COS meeting and see who is excited about it (and might take on the task of developing a proposal for sharing documents).
Charley: This could replace the function of the annual sharing we used to have in January
Scott:  I would like to get an email every time someone publishes a paper
Mary Martin wants us to send our papers.  We should have a standardized subject line for the list serv--Mary could get them that way and post them.
John’s backup (?)
Changes to the format of the Cooperators meeting
For discussion at the COS meeting.
Planning future meetings
 (John Battles will organize the April meeting on W5)
April:  What’s next for W5?  There was supposed to be a book on W5.  Chris is asking whether to do another big dig.  So it’s a good time to review what we know.   John Battles, Chris Johnson, maybe John Campbell.  Andy Kurtz  Include W4, W2, 101 for vegetative response.  Mark Green for hydrology.  Chemistry, too.  
John is willing to postpone the W5 topic.  Let’s check with Gary and Peter.  
July 10 (following July 8-9 Cooperators Meeting).
October date TBA
September 2015 ASM.  They provide funding for students to do cross-site work.  Let’s ask Peter what’s happening with the Network Office.
Top 10 Findings:  Jackie has been asking, to update the web
Charley and Tim had to provide the top 5 findings for LTER (acid rain, clearcutting, birds)
David has something he can send to her.
Is the Marketing Committee involved?  We should all have the same top 5.  David will help coord
Transitions: report on PIs for the LTER
Gary and Peter identified a team of seven people to help write the LTER proposal.  They would contribute to the writing and reviewing of drafts of the proposal over the next year.  They may reach outside this team for writing of specific sections, and everyone on the COS will get a chance to comment on the proposal before it gets submitted.
John Campbell
Pam Templer
John Battles
Matt Ayres
Mark Green
Melany Fisk
Winsor Lowe
They chose this team to represent a range of disciplines and career stages.  Everyone on this team (other than Gary) is young enough that they will be around to help with the next (2022) proposal, and some would be also around for the round after that. Only five people can be listed on the cover page of the proposal, and they will figure out who those five will be as they go along.
Note that in order for this to be a renewal proposal, NSF rules say that it cannot come from a different institution than the previous proposal.  The only way around this is for the current LTER grant to be transferred from Cornell to the Cary Institute within the next year.  This shouldn't have any effect on the amount of money each co-PI gets, but the subcontracts will be switched to come from Cary rather than Cornell sometime during the year.  Stay tuned as we work this out.
Encouraging new researchers
Dylan Parry (insects), ESF 
Tom Horton (mycorrhizae), ESF
Hannah at Dartmouth
Jackie Mathes, Dartmouth, ecosystems, eddy flux, climate
Farrah Fatemi is back in Vt (St Michaels)
Jennifer Talbot is a new professor at BU, microbiology
Madeline Mineau has been working at HB, not coming to COS mts.
Archives will be discussed in the COS.
Facilities proposal by HBRC.
HBRF has been discussing plans for development at Pleasant View, not just for a new archive building but for housing and other facilities (teaching).  NSF Facilities.  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Ruth Yanai