Dear COS members:

Nominations are now open for one at large seat on the Scientific Coordinating Committee. Below is the current membership of the committee. All COS member are eligible to make nominations. All COS members who are not otherwise on the SCC are eligible to run for the at-large seat. At-large seats have a three year term.

Please send nominations to me by February 15. An election will follow.

- Scott

SCC current membership, February 2015:
Charley Driscoll, LTER PI, expires April 2015; Gary or Peter rotate in as LTER PI rep.
Ruth Yanai, at large, expires April 2015
Pam Templer, at large, expires April 2016
Lynn Christenson, at large, expires April 2017
John Battles, at large, expires April 2017
Scott Bailey, appointed by FS project leader as USFS lead scientist
David Sleeper, HBRF executive director
Ivan Fernandez, appointed by SCC as external advisor

Scott W Bailey
Research Geologist, Forest Service, Northern Research Station
note: Plymouth email will be phased out Spring 2015, hopefully coinciding with better access to FS email. (603) 726-8902 x 11