From: Halm, Ian -FS
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 2:33 PM

Subject: Safety issues



Hello Researchers, Nick and I have been noticing some scary safety issues in the forest this year. The 2 that we saw were that techs were being carried unrestrained the back of a pickup truck and a car was carrying about 7 people in the woods. These folks were sitting on laps and the car was sagging. Being an EMT and seeing lots of accidents this can be a big problem. In accidents as slow as 10 mph we could have multiple deaths and injuries if one of these vehicles was in an accident. There is no research that we do that is worth this risk. I ask you to check with your field folks and make sure this practice stops before we have an injury. Thanks, Ian

Forest Service Shield

Ian Halm, Forester 
Site Manager

Forest Service

Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

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