Heliosphere News   
April 4, 2016

A newsletter devoted to Heliospheric Science. 

Editor: Nathan Schwadron (nschwadron at unh.edu)
Co-Editor: Mihir Desai (mdesai at swri.edu)
Co-Editor: Eric Zirnstein (ezirnstein at swri.edu)
Co-Editor: Merav Opher (mopher at bu.edu)
Co-Editor: Adele Corona (icnsmeetings at gmail.com)
Co-Editor: Nikolai Pogorelov (np0002 at uah.edu)

Web site editor: Ken Fairchild (Ken.Fairchild at unh.edu)

If you are interested in being added to the list, being removed from
the list, or posting an announcement, please send information to
Nathan, Mihir, Eric, Merav, Adele, or Nick. Posts are limited to ascii
text. Newsletters are archived on the following website:


** Announcements

1. NASA/Heliophysics Call for ROSES16 Panel Volunteers
2. ISSI Post-doc positions
3. AGU Fall Meeting 2016 Session Proposals due April 20
4. 15th AIAC Meeting: The Science of Ed Stone: Celebrating his 80th Birthday
5. ASTRONUM-2016 (5th announcement)
6. SHINE 2016 - Session: “Heliosphere as Revealed from IBEX and Voyager Measurements
7. Living With A Star Town Targeted Research and Technology Steering Committee on-line Town Hall
8.  MEETING: International Astronomical Union Symposium 328 "Living around Active Stars," 17-21 October, 2016, Maresias, SP, Brazil
9. SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship – Call for Applications 2016


1) NASA/Heliophysics Call for ROSES16 Panel Volunteers
The 2016 ROSES competition of Heliophysics programs encourages volunteers for review panels to sign up on the NASA Service and Advice for Research and Analysis (SARA) web site. Sign-up is now open for several of the Heliophysics solicitations (see list below), while others will follow in a later call. Please make sure you sign up before April 30, 2016.
Signing up does not commit you to serve, nor will NASA be obligated to invite you to serve on a review panel.  Instead, the availability of panel volunteers will aid the program officers to more efficiently fill panel vacancies, and it will enhance the quality of the peer review process with the identification of additional expertise. An additional goal is to shorten the time between proposal submission and selection/notification. The community benefits through broadening the peer review panel as well as broadening their own personal experience.
If you are an active researcher in the field of Heliophysics, Postdoc level and beyond, you are encouraged to sign up. We understand that your schedules fill up quickly, and therefore we ask you to identify which weeks of the review windows you would be available to serve. Typical review duration is 3-4 days.
The following programs currently solicit review panel volunteers for in-person (or virtual) reviews in the May/June, September through November and January time frame:
H-SR (ROSES16 Appendix B.2 Heliophysics Supporting Research)
H-TIDeS (ROSES16 Appendix B.3 Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science)
H-GI Open (ROSES16 Appendix B.4 Heliophysics Guest Investigators – Open Element)
H-GCR TMS (ROSES16 Appendix B.5 Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research – Theory/Modeling/ Simulations Element)
H-DEE (ROSES16 Appendix B.7 Heliophysics Data Environment Enhancements)
The following programs will solicit reviewer volunteers at a later date:
H-LWS (ROSES16 Appendix B.6 Heliophysics Living With a Star Science)
H-GI MMS (ROSES16 Appendix B.8 Heliophysics Guest Investigators - MMS)
H-GCT SC (ROSES16 Appendix B.9 Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research – Science Centers)
H-USPI (ROSES16 Appendix B.10 Heliophysics US Principal Investigators)
You will not be eligible to participate in panel reviews of those programs that you submit to as a PI, Co-I or Collaborator/Consultant. Therefore, you will be asked to self-select the program(s) you expect to be available and eligible for.
The sign-up process is simple, fast and confidential. You can sign up under the following URL:


2) ISSI Post-doc positions
ISSI invites applications for Two Post-Doctoral Positions for a two-year period starting in October 2016 or by agreement. One of the two positions is in Space Sciences, the other is in Earth Sciences. The successful candidates should have received a Ph.D. within the last five years in a field relating to either Space or Earth Sciences in general. All applications must be received by ISSI no later than July 31st, 2016.

3)  AGU Fall Meeting 2016 - Session proposals are now being accepted
The session proposal site is now open!
Before submitting a session proposal, remember to:
1. Read the guidelines to ensure that you have not missed important information that may hinder your submission
2. Make sure that your 2016 AGU membership dues are up to date
3. Search and view session proposals submitted by your colleagues
Letters of notification will be distributed in June 2016.

4) 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference: The Science of Ed Stone: Celebrating his 80th Birthday, April 4 – 8, 2016, Cape Coral, Florida, USA
- Westin Cape Coral Resort room booking deadline is March 9 OR until sold out whichever comes first.
- Online abstract submission deadline is March 15.
- Registration fee is $475.00 USD until March 31.
- Late Registration and Onsite Registration fee is $500.00 USD beginning April 1.
From: Gary P. Zank: garyp.zank@gmail.com 
The 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference will be held at the Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village, Cape Coral, Florida, USA, from April 4 to April 8, 2015. (Welcome Reception and Evening Registration begins Sunday, April 3).
The conference website is now up and registration and abstract submission is available.
15th AIAC website: https://www.icnsmeetings.com/conference/15thannual/index.html
Please mark your calendar and contact us regarding your interest in attending. E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to Gary Zank.
The meeting is entitled, “The Science of Ed Stone: Celebrating his 80th Birthday”, and will follow the same format as before with 25-minute presentations punctuated by selected 40-minute invited talks that will explore various themes in greater detail.
 Ed Stone has made foundational contributions to our understanding of all facets of the physics of energetic particles in the solar wind and the interstellar medium. Much of our current understanding of the interaction of the solar wind with the local interstellar medium is derived from the Voyager Interstellar Mission under Ed’s leadership. His remarkable career has spanned the space age, contributing not only to science but to the leadership of our community. The 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference will celebrate the science and scientific achievements of Ed Stone.
PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO BOOK YOUR ROOM. Our turnout is larger than anticipated and unfortunately we have blocked only a very limited amount of rooms
Please go to the conference website for more details: www.icnsmeetings.com/conference/15thannual/accommodations.html

5) ASTRONUM-2016
Monterey, California, USA, 6-10 June, 2016
Maison de la Simulation (CEA/CNRS/UPS/UVSQ), France will organize ASTRONUM 2016 - the 11th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows in Monterey, California, USA, on 6-10 June, 2016. The conference web site is https://www.icnsmeetings.com/conference/astronum2016/index.html
The conference will cover the following topics:
(1) Advanced numerical methods for space, astrophysical and geophysical flows; (2) Large-scale fluid-based, kinetic, and hybrid simulations;
(3) Turbulence and cosmic ray transport; (4) Magnetohydrodynamics
(5) Software packages for modeling and analyzing plasma flows / Visualisation
with the application to
(1) Physics of the Sun-Heliosphere-Magnetosphere;
(2) Interstellar medium and star formation;
(3) Cosmology and galaxy formation;
(4) Dynamo effect;
(5) Stellar Physics.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading experts in applied mathematics, space physics, astrophysics, and geophysics to discuss the application of novel numerical algorithms and petascale parallelization strategies to computationally challenging problems.
The conference will be structured around invited, 40-minute keynote and 25-minute regular talks, and a limited number of contributed talks, with the attempt to have no parallel sessions. The conference web site icnsmeetings.com will provide the information about the conference venue, registration, and means of transportation. E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to Nikolai.Pogorelov at uah.edu and Edouard.Audit at cea.fr.
Program Committee: Tahar Amari (CNRS Ecole Polytechnique), Edouard Audit (CEA, Maison de la Simulation, co-chair), Amitava Bhattacharjee (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), Phillip Colella (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Anthony Mezzacappa (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Ewald Mu?ller (Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics, Garching), Nikolai Pogorelov (University of Alabama in Huntsville, chair), Kazunari Shibata (Kyoto University), James Stone (Princeton University), Jon Linker (Predictive Science Inc.), and Gary P. Zank (University of Alabama in Huntsville).
6) SHINE 2016 - Session: “Heliosphere as Revealed from IBEX and Voyager Measurements”
Session 13. Heliosphere as Revealed from IBEX and Voyager Measurements
Nikolai Pogorelov, Merav Opher, and George Gloeckler
Session Description:
In situ observations by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, combined with the heliosheath tomography using energetic neutral hydrogen fluxes measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) in different energy bands gives the space physics community a unique opportunity to investigate the fundamental physical processes accompanying the solar wind (SW) interaction with the local interstellar medium (LISM).  The proposed session will address microscopic and macroscopic phenomena derived from IBEX and Voyager observations, and especially their combination. It will particularly focus on the following scientific questions:
1. What is the effect of the coupling of the heliospheric and interstellar magnetic fields at the heliopause? What is the correlation between observations and model predictions for the magnetic field and plasma quantities? What do space-time variations in the magnetic structure tell us about the physics of the heliosphere and termination shock?
2. What are the physical mechanisms of the IBEX ribbon and distributed ENA fluxes?
3. What are the ion acceleration mechanisms in the inner heliosheath? How do anomalous cosmic rays affect the structure of the heliosphere? What are the reasons of the variation in the galactic and anomalous cosmic ray fluxes observed by Voyager 1?
Scene-setting presentations will be given by David McComas and John Richardson on behalf of the IBEX and Voyager mission teams, respectively, and followed by a discussion on the themes of the session.
SHINE 2016 Conference Info:
Workshop Dates: July 11th-15th, 2016
(Student Day July 10th)
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Registration Fee: $475
Early Bird Registration Deadline: May 20th
Late Registration: $525
Deadline for student support: April 29th
Deadline for abstract submission: June 9th (extra poster $50)
Hotel Reservation Deadline: June 9th

7) Living With A Star Town Targeted Research and Technology Steering Committee on-line Town Hall

From: Alexa Halford (alexa.j.halford at nasa.gov)

The 2016 NASA Living with a Star Targeted Research and Technology  (LWS TR&T) committee will be holding a tele-town hall on Friday April 8th at noon Eastern. We hope to have as much participation from the space physics community as possible as community input in this process is crucial. During this town hall the committee will discuss and answer questions on the new process for submission of science topics and the comment periods.  At the time of the meeting please join us by going to Join WebEx meeting using: 

meeting number: 804 204 121
meeting password: Substorm!

Instead of using their dial in number, please call in using: 

telephone number: 1-844 - 467 - 6272
pass code: 901533

Submissions of science topics can be made through the LWS TR&T website: 


and you can view and comment on already submitted topics from this website: 


We greatly look forward to your input and to continuing on the path of innovation and scientific exploration in the LWS program.

LWS Steering Committee Members: Eftyhia Zesta (Co-Chair), Mark Linton (Co-Chair), Yuri Shprits, Scott McIntosh, Nathan Schwadron, Jim Slavin, Cha Salem, Alexa Halford, Pontus Brandt, Tim Bastian, Kent Tobiska 

Liaisons: Terry Onsager, Rodney Veireck, Ilia Roussev, Vyacheslav Lukin, Masha Kuznetsova, Mona Kessel, Dean Pesnell, Dave Sibeck, Adam Szab Chris St Cyr 

Ex Officio: Elsayed Talaat, Jeff Morrill, Shing Fung


8) MEETING: International Astronomical Union Symposium 328 "Living around Active Stars," 17-21 October, 2016, Maresias, SP, Brazil

From: Dibyendu Nandi (dnandi at iiserkol.ac.in)

First Announcement

Rationale: The variable activity of stars such as the Sun is mediated via stellar magnetic fields, radiative and energetic particle fluxes, stellar winds and magnetic storms. This activity influences planetary atmospheres, climate and habitability. Studies of this intimate relationship between the parent star, its astrosphere (i.e., the equivalent of the heliosphere) and the planets that it hosts have reached a certain level of maturity within our own Solar System – fuelled both by advances in theoretical modeling and a host of satellites that observe the Sun-Earth system. In conjunction, the first attempts are being made to characterize the interactions between stars and planets and their coupled evolution, which have relevance for habitability and the search for habitable planets. This Symposium will bring together scientists from diverse, interdisciplinary scientific areas such as solar, stellar and planetary physics, atmospheric and climate physics and astrobiology to review the current state of our understanding of solar and stellar environments.  The Symposium is expected to fertilize exchange of ideas and identify outstanding issues – tackling which necessitates coordinated scientific efforts across disciplines. 

Invited Speakers: Anil Bhardwaj (India), Cesar Bertucci (Argentina), Paul Charbonneau (Canada), Manuel Guedel (Austria), Gaitee Hussain (Germany), Moira Jardine (UK), Colin Johnstone (Austria), Laurène Jouve (France),  Eiichiro Kokubo (Japan), Hiroyuki Maehara (Japan), Jose Dias do Nascimento Jr. (Brazil), Rachel Olsten (USA), Katja Poppenhaeger (UK), Steve Saar (USA), Alexander Shapiro (Germany)

Specifics: The symposium will be held in the sea side town of Maresias, Brazil from 17-21 October, 2016. Further details, including registration, abstract submission, financial support and accommodation information are available at the conference websites:


Financial support application deadline: 30 April 2016
Abstract submission deadline: 16 June 2016
Early Registration deadline: 16 July 2016

On behalf of the Organizing Committees we welcome you to the IAUS 328 and look forward to hosting you in Maresias, Brazil.

Scientific Organizing Committee: Dibyendu Nandi (Chair), Sarah Gibson (Co-Chair), Pascal Petit (Co-Chair), Margit Haberreiter, Emre Isik, Heidi Korhonen, Kanya Kusano, Duncan Mackay, Cristina Mandrini, Allan Sacha-Brun, Adriana Valio, Aline Vidotto, David Webb

Local Organizing Committee: Adriana Valio (Chair), Gustavo Guerrero (Co-Chair), Alisson Dal Lago, Jorge Melendez, Emilia Correia, Caius L. Selhorst

Contact: iaustars328@gmail.com


9) SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship – Call for Applications 2016

From: Marianna Shepherd (mshepher at yorku.ca)

The submission of applications for the 2016 SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship is now open.  

The SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar (SVS) program is a capacity building activity of SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics), which complements the current scientific program, VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and its Terrestrial Impact, http://www.varsiti.org/) and SCOSTEP’s public outreach activities.

The objective of the SVS program is to provide training to young scientists and graduate students from developing countries in well-established solar terrestrial physics institutes, for one to three months. The training will help the young scientists to advance their career in solar terrestrial physics using the technique/skill they learned during the training. SCOSTEP will provide the airfare, while the host institute will provide the living expenses (accommodation, sustenance, ground transportation, visa fees and other incidentals). Trainees should have their own health insurance or arrange a provision with the host institution.

Interested candidates should contact one of the SVS program hosts listed at http://www.yorku.ca/scostep/?page_id=2103 and work out the details of the visit. Once the applicant and the host agree on a visit, the applicant needs to prepare an application package including the following details of the visit: (i) work to be performed; (ii) applicant’s curriculum vitae, (iii) dates of the visit and an estimate of the airfare in economy class; (iv) letter from the applicant’s supervisor, and (v) a letter from the host scientist/institution. A single pdf file of the above materials should be sent to SCOSTEP’s Scientific Secretary, Dr. Marianna G. Shepherd (mshepher at yorku.ca). Deadline for applications: May 25, 2016. 


Nathan Schwadron

University of New Hampshire
Morse Hall - Room 350
8 College Road
Durham NH 03824

(603) 862-3451