Hi Everyone,


In effort to assist in the Slurm script creation process, we now have a small repository of bioinformatics related Slurm templates located on Premise.  These can be found at:




The following templates are currently available:


  1. threaded.slurm – For typical single-node, multi-threaded applications (the majority of those installed on Premise).  If your application doesn’t match one of those listed below, this is likely the best template to start from.
  2. parallel-jobs.slurm – For executing multiple single-threaded applications concurrently on a single node.  Sections exist within the script for both manually specified execution, as well as automated execution for each file present in a directory.
  3. maker.slurm – For executing MPI Maker jobs across a single or multiple nodes concurrently.
  4. abyss.slurm – For executing MPI ABySS jobs across a single or multiple nodes concurrently.


If you are executing an MPI compatible program not listed above and need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 


In addition to Slurm templates, we have also started storing indexed reference databases to reduce the number of duplicate copies on the server.  Directories are named by program and database.  Please check this directory before downloading and indexing a reference.  Our goal is to both update and add new references to this location regularly.  These can be found at:




Thanks –


Toni Westbrook

Computational Scientist

Research Computing Center, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture

University of New Hampshire

Office: 436 Gregg Hall